Mercyful Fate
A Mansion In Darkness

Riding up the alley in the rain
No lights to show the way
How could this ever be their home
Through the darkness You could only see
A giant shadow which was to be
A house where evil ruled at night

And the shadows at the gate, they seemed to be alive
Yeah the shadows at the gate, Alive

Everything inside was left untouched
Except for what the rats had got
And the dust of time that showed its mark
Armed with candlelight and open eyes
Through the dark they fought their way
'Til every room was lit again...Again

And the house began to breathe, it seemed to be alive
Yeah the house began to breathe, Alive

As the candlelight began to fade
And Jonathan said "Let's go to bed"
The fireplace had ceased to burn...Burn
Both were fast asleep before the dawn, Dreaming...Dreaming
And they did not know about the shadow

Yeah the shadow on the wall, it really came alive
Yeah the shadow on the wall, Sunrise!

Mirror lyrics:

Yeah the shadow on the wall, Sunrise!
Yeah the shadow on the wall, it really came alive

And they did not know about the shadow
Both were fast asleep before the dawn, Dreaming...Dreaming
The fireplace had ceased to burn...Burn
And Jonathan said "Let's go to bed"
As the candlelight began to fade

Yeah the house began to breathe, Alive
And the house began to breathe, it seemed to be alive

'Til every room was lit again...Again
Through the dark they fought their way
Armed with candlelight and open eyes
And the dust of time that showed its mark
Except for what the rats had got
Everything inside was left untouched

Yeah the shadows at the gate, Alive
And the shadows at the gate, they seemed to be alive

A house where evil ruled at night
A giant shadow which was to be
Through the darkness You could only see
How could this ever be their home
No lights to show the way
Riding up the alley in the rain

Relevant Tags:
AA MMansion IIn DDarkness ansion n arkness A aMnsion nI aDrkness z jansion jn xarkness zA jMansion jIn xDarkness Az Mjansion Ijn Dxarkness
q kansion 9n earkness qA kMansion 9In eDarkness Aq Mkansion I9n Dearkness s nansion ln farkness sA nMansion lIn fDarkness As Mnansion Iln Dfarkness
w Maansion on rarkness wA Mnsion oIn rDarkness Aw Mnasion Ion Drarkness x Mznsion kn carkness xA Mzansion kIn cDarkness Ax Maznsion Ikn Dcarkness
Mqnsion 8n sarkness Mqansion 8In sDarkness Maqnsion I8n Dsarkness Msnsion un Daarkness Msansion uIn Drkness Masnsion Iun Drakness
Mwnsion Inn Dzrkness Mwansion I Dzarkness Mawnsion In Dazrkness Mxnsion Im Dqrkness Mxansion Imn Dqarkness Maxnsion Inm Daqrkness
Mannsion Ih Dsrkness Masion Ihn Masnion Inh Dasrkness Mamsion Ij Dwrkness Mamnsion Dwarkness Manmsion Inj Dawrkness
Mahsion Ib Dxrkness Mahnsion Ibn Manhsion Inb Daxrkness Majsion Darrkness Majnsion Dakness Manjsion Dakrness
Mabsion Dadkness Mabnsion Dadrkness Manbsion Dardkness Manssion Da4kness Manion Da4rkness Manison Dar4kness
Manzion Dagkness Manzsion Dagrkness Manszion Dargkness Manwion Datkness Manwsion Datrkness Manswion Dartkness
Mandion Da5kness Mandsion Da5rkness Mansdion Dar5kness Maneion Dafkness Manesion Dafrkness Manseion Darfkness
Manxion Daekness Manxsion Daerkness Mansxion Darekness Manaion Darkkness Manasion Darness Mansaion Darnkess
Mansiion Darlness Manson Darlkness Mansoin Darklness Mansjon Daroness Mansjion Darokness Mansijon Darkoness
Mans9on Darmness

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