Mercyful Fate
A Gruesome Time

Everything is so strange in here
And as I look through your eyes
I can see what you're thinking of me
I am deep inside

Deep inside your head, causing you pain
Deep inside your head, causing you pain
Eternal pain

All your secrets are done my dear
And as I look through your eyes
I can see all the things that you fear
I am deep inside

Deep inside your head, causing you pain
Deep inside your head, causing you pain
Eternal pain

I'm the dreams you don't wanna dream
I'm the things you don't wanna see
I'm the dreams you don't wanna dream
I am the night of sin

I wanna see you in tears
The end is near
I am deep inside

Deep inside your head, causing you pain
Deep inside your head, causing you pain
Eternal pain

I've come to give you a gruesome time
For all the evil you have done
I'll keep a coming until the end
I'll keep a coming back my friend

Mirror lyrics:

I'll keep a coming back my friend
I'll keep a coming until the end
For all the evil you have done
I've come to give you a gruesome time

Eternal pain
Deep inside your head, causing you pain
Deep inside your head, causing you pain

I am deep inside
The end is near
I wanna see you in tears

I am the night of sin
I'm the dreams you don't wanna dream
I'm the things you don't wanna see
I'm the dreams you don't wanna dream

Eternal pain
Deep inside your head, causing you pain
Deep inside your head, causing you pain

I am deep inside
I can see all the things that you fear
And as I look through your eyes
All your secrets are done my dear

Eternal pain
Deep inside your head, causing you pain
Deep inside your head, causing you pain

I am deep inside
I can see what you're thinking of me
And as I look through your eyes
Everything is so strange in here

Relevant Tags:
AA GGruesome TTime ruesome ime A rGuesome iTme z hruesome fime zA hGruesome fTime Az Ghruesome Tfime q yruesome 5ime
qA yGruesome 5Time Aq Gyruesome T5ime s bruesome hime sA bGruesome hTime As Gbruesome Thime w vruesome yime wA vGruesome yTime
Aw Gvruesome Tyime x fruesome 6ime xA fGruesome 6Time Ax Gfruesome T6ime truesome gime tGruesome gTime Gtruesome Tgime
Grruesome rime Guesome rTime Guresome Trime Gduesome Tiime Gdruesome Tme Grduesome Tmie G4uesome Tjme
G4ruesome Tjime Gr4uesome Tijme Gguesome T9me Ggruesome T9ime Grguesome Ti9me Gtuesome Tlme Tlime
Grtuesome Tilme G5uesome Tome G5ruesome Toime Gr5uesome Tiome Gfuesome Tkme Tkime Grfuesome Tikme
Geuesome T8me Geruesome T8ime Greuesome Ti8me Gruuesome Tume Gresome Tuime Greusome Tiume Grhesome Timme
Grhuesome Tie Gruhesome Tiem Gr7esome Tije Gr7uesome Gru7esome Timje Grkesome Tike Grkuesome
Grukesome Timke Griesome Tine Griuesome Tinme Gruiesome Timne Gr8esome Timee Gr8uesome Tim Gru8esome Time
Grjesome Tims Grjuesome Timse Grujesome Times Gryesome Tim3 Gryuesome Tim3e Gruyesome Time3 Grueesome Timf
Grusome Timfe Gruseome Timef Grussome Timr Grusesome Timre Gruessome Timer Gru3some Tim4 Gru3esome Tim4e
Grue3some Time4 Grufsome Timd Grufesome Timde Gruefsome Timed

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