Mercury Rev
The Dark Is Rising

I dreamed of you on my farm
I dreamed of you in my arms
But dreams are always wrong
I never dreamed I'd hurt you
I never dreamed I'd lose you
In my dreams I'm always strong

But now the creek is rising
And all my bridges burned

I always dreamed of big crowds
Plumes of smoke and high clouds
But dreams don't last for long

I have my suspicions
When the stars are in position
All will be revealed
But I know that until then
Unless the stars surrender
All wll be concealed

And now the snow is falling
And all my fences torn
I know you need someone
And I can hear someone
Somewhere in this song

I dreamed that I was walking
and the two of us were talking
Of all life's mystery
The words that flow between friends
Winding streams without end
I wanted you to see

But it can seem surprising
When you find yourself alone
And now the dark is rising
And a brand new moon is born

I always dreamed I'd love you
I never dreamed I'd lose you
In my dreams I'm always strong

Mirror lyrics:

In my dreams I'm always strong
I never dreamed I'd lose you
I always dreamed I'd love you

And a brand new moon is born
And now the dark is rising
When you find yourself alone
But it can seem surprising

I wanted you to see
Winding streams without end
The words that flow between friends
Of all life's mystery
and the two of us were talking
I dreamed that I was walking

Somewhere in this song
And I can hear someone
I know you need someone
And all my fences torn
And now the snow is falling

All wll be concealed
Unless the stars surrender
But I know that until then
All will be revealed
When the stars are in position
I have my suspicions

But dreams don't last for long
Plumes of smoke and high clouds
I always dreamed of big crowds

And all my bridges burned
But now the creek is rising

In my dreams I'm always strong
I never dreamed I'd lose you
I never dreamed I'd hurt you
But dreams are always wrong
I dreamed of you in my arms
I dreamed of you on my farm

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TThe DDark IIs RRising he ark s ising hTe aDrk sI iRsing fhe xark js dising fThe xDark jIs dRising Tfhe Dxark Ijs Rdising
5he eark 9s 4ising 5The eDark 9Is 4Rising T5he Deark I9s R4ising hhe fark ls gising hThe fDark lIs gRising Thhe Dfark Ils Rgising
yhe rark os tising yThe rDark oIs tRising Tyhe Drark Ios Rtising 6he cark ks 5ising 6The cDark kIs 5Rising T6he Dcark Iks R5ising
ghe sark 8s fising gThe sDark 8Is fRising Tghe Dsark I8s Rfising rhe Daark us eising rThe Drk uIs eRising Trhe Drak Ius Reising
Dzrk Iss Riising Te Dzark I Rsing Teh Dazrk Is Rsiing Tje Dqrk Iz Rjsing Tjhe Dqark Izs Rjising Thje Daqrk Isz Rijsing
Tue Dsrk Iw R9sing Tuhe Iws R9ising Thue Dasrk Isw Ri9sing Tne Dwrk Id Rlsing Tnhe Dwark Ids Rlising Thne Dawrk Isd Rilsing
Tbe Dxrk Ie Rosing Tbhe Ies Roising Thbe Daxrk Ise Riosing Tge Darrk Ix Rksing Dak Ixs Rkising Thge Dakr Isx Riksing
Tye Dadk Ia R8sing Dadrk Ias R8ising Thye Dardk Isa Ri8sing Thee Da4k Rusing Th Da4rk Ruising The Dar4k Riusing
Ths Dagk Rissing Thse Dagrk Riing Thes Dargk Riisng Th3 Datk Rizing Th3e Datrk Rizsing The3 Dartk Riszing
Thf Da5k Riwing Thfe Da5rk Riwsing Thef Dar5k Riswing Thr Dafk Riding Thre Dafrk Ridsing Ther Darfk Risding
Th4 Daek Rieing Th4e Daerk Riesing The4 Darek Riseing

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