Battle Thy Demons

don't be afraid
of the price we paid
it seemed such a loss
what they did to us

to live with hate
is to die without pain
the hounds are here
to seek their prey

you can reduce your loss
but you cannot win
battle thy demons
descending from hell
open your mind
to the world outside
battle thy demons
the prayer that you tell
you tell!!!

the battle with the demons
seems to never end
there is a new solution
encounting with the damned

now it's time
to follow the signs
into the past
the future will last

cursing the kings o'time
peace within my mind
longing for a place
far beyond the demons maze

as we start to fight
we have to realize
they'll lay you down to rest
damnation of the quest

Mirror lyrics:

damnation of the quest
they'll lay you down to rest
we have to realize
as we start to fight

far beyond the demons maze
longing for a place
peace within my mind
cursing the kings o'time

the future will last
into the past
to follow the signs
now it's time

encounting with the damned
there is a new solution
seems to never end
the battle with the demons

you tell!!!
the prayer that you tell
battle thy demons
to the world outside
open your mind
descending from hell
battle thy demons
but you cannot win
you can reduce your loss

to seek their prey
the hounds are here
is to die without pain
to live with hate

what they did to us
it seemed such a loss
of the price we paid
don't be afraid

Relevant Tags:
BBattle TThy DDemons attle hy emons aBttle hTy eDmons vattle fhy xemons vBattle fThy xDemons Bvattle Tfhy Dxemons
gattle 5hy eemons gBattle 5Thy eDemons Bgattle T5hy Deemons nattle hhy femons nBattle hThy fDemons Bnattle Thhy Dfemons
hattle yhy remons hBattle yThy rDemons Bhattle Tyhy Dremons Baattle 6hy cemons Bttle 6Thy cDemons Btatle T6hy Dcemons
Bzttle ghy semons Bzattle gThy sDemons Bazttle Tghy Dsemons Bqttle rhy Bqattle rThy Dmons Baqttle Trhy Dmeons
Bsttle Dsmons Bsattle Ty Basttle Tyh Desmons Bwttle Tjy D3mons Bwattle Tjhy D3emons Bawttle Thjy De3mons
Bxttle Tuy Dfmons Bxattle Tuhy Baxttle Thuy Defmons Batttle Tny Drmons Batle Tnhy Battle Thny Dermons
Baftle Tby D4mons Bafttle Tbhy D4emons Batftle Thby De4mons Ba5tle Tgy Ddmons Ba5ttle Ddemons Bat5tle Thgy Dedmons
Bahtle Tyy Dwmons Bahttle Dwemons Bathtle Thyy Dewmons Baytle Demmons Bayttle Th Deons Batytle Thy Deomns
Ba6tle Thg Dejons Ba6ttle Dejmons Bat6tle Thyg Demjons Bagtle Thh Dekons Bagttle Dekmons Batgtle Thyh Demkons

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