Maxã¿mo Park
The Night I Lost My Head

One in a million,
Two is a crowd,
Three is company,
Fours not allowed

I spent all night trying,
To remember your address,
Drawing lines around your body,
Making marks on the mucky floor

Five little fingers,
Six digit fix,
My lucky seven,
There are eight steps to my hips

I spent all night trying,
To remember your address,
Drawing lines around your body,
Making marks on the mucky floor

Why did we have to meet,
On the night i lost my head?

One in a million,
Two is a crowd,
Three is company,
Fours not allowed

I spent all night trying,
To remember your address,
Drawing lines around your body,
Making marks on the mucky floor

Why did we have to meet,
On the night i lost my head?

You found me indiscreet,
On the night i lost my head,
You found me in the street,
On the night i lost my head

Mirror lyrics:

On the night i lost my head
You found me in the street,
On the night i lost my head,
You found me indiscreet,

On the night i lost my head?
Why did we have to meet,

Making marks on the mucky floor
Drawing lines around your body,
To remember your address,
I spent all night trying,

Fours not allowed
Three is company,
Two is a crowd,
One in a million,

On the night i lost my head?
Why did we have to meet,

Making marks on the mucky floor
Drawing lines around your body,
To remember your address,
I spent all night trying,

There are eight steps to my hips
My lucky seven,
Six digit fix,
Five little fingers,

Making marks on the mucky floor
Drawing lines around your body,
To remember your address,
I spent all night trying,

Fours not allowed
Three is company,
Two is a crowd,
One in a million,

Relevant Tags:
TThe NNight II LLost MMy HHead he ight ost y ead hTe iNght I oLst yM eHad fhe might j kost jy jead fThe mNight jI kLost jMy jHead Tfhe Nmight Ij Lkost Mjy Hjead
5he hight 9 oost ky uead 5The hNight 9I oLost kMy uHead T5he Nhight I9 Loost Mky Huead hhe jight l post ny nead hThe jNight lI pLost nMy nHead Thhe Njight Il Lpost Mny Hnead
yhe bight o Myy bead yThe bNight oI Lst M bHead Tyhe Nbight Io Lsot My Hbead 6he Niight k Lkst Mg gead 6The Nght kI Mgy gHead T6he Ngiht Ik Lokst Myg Hgead
ghe Njght 8 L9st Mh yead gThe 8I L9ost Mhy yHead Tghe Nijght I8 Lo9st Myh Hyead rhe N9ght u L0st M6 Heead rThe N9ight uI L0ost M6y Had Trhe Ni9ght Iu Lo0st My6 Haed
Nlght Llst Mu Hsad Te Nlight Llost Muy Hsead Teh Nilght Lolst Myu Hesad Tje Noght List M7 H3ad Tjhe Noight Liost M7y H3ead Thje Nioght Loist My7 He3ad
Tue Nkght Losst Mj Hfad Tuhe Nkight Lot Hfead Thue Nikght Lots Myj Hefad Tne N8ght Lozt Mt Hrad Tnhe N8ight Lozst Mty Hread Thne Ni8ght Loszt Myt Herad
Tbe Nught Lowt H4ad Tbhe Nuight Lowst H4ead Thbe Niught Loswt He4ad Tge Nigght Lodt Hdad Niht Lodst Hdead Thge Nihgt Losdt Hedad
Tye Nihht Loet Hwad Nihght Loest Hwead Thye Nighht Loset Hewad Thee Niyht Loxt Heaad Th Niyght Loxst Hed The Nigyht Losxt Heda
Ths Nibht Loat Hezd

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