Maylene And The Sons Of Disaster
Lady At The Gate

Not many run-ins with the blade.
Just always missing the worst but it always comes.
Praying to a savior you never loved.
They said you made it.
A few of us disagree.
Compliments of the red letter king.
You've made me numb and it's all my fault.
My my I think I've become one of the weak.
Maybe I should be leaving giving you quite the resting.
Forgotten what happiness feels like.
I'm the hypocrite you wrote about.

Mirror lyrics:

I'm the hypocrite you wrote about.
Forgotten what happiness feels like.
Maybe I should be leaving giving you quite the resting.
My my I think I've become one of the weak.
You've made me numb and it's all my fault.
Compliments of the red letter king.
A few of us disagree.
They said you made it.
Praying to a savior you never loved.
Just always missing the worst but it always comes.
Not many run-ins with the blade.

Relevant Tags:
LLady AAt TThe GGate ady t he ate aLdy tA hTe aGte kady zt fhe hate kLady zAt fThe hGate Lkady Azt Tfhe Ghate oady qt 5he yate
oLady qAt 5The yGate Loady Aqt T5he Gyate pady st hhe bate pLady sAt hThe bGate Lpady Ast Thhe Gbate Laady wt yhe vate Ldy wAt yThe vGate
Lday Awt Tyhe Gvate Lzdy xt 6he fate Lzady xAt 6The fGate Lazdy Axt T6he Gfate Lqdy Att ghe tate Lqady A gThe tGate Laqdy At Tghe Gtate
Lsdy Af rhe Gaate Lsady Aft rThe Gte Lasdy Atf Trhe Gtae Lwdy A5 Gzte Lwady A5t Te Gzate Lawdy At5 Teh Gazte Lxdy Ah Tje Gqte
Lxady Aht Tjhe Gqate Laxdy Ath Thje Gaqte Laddy Ay Tue Gste Lay Ayt Tuhe Gsate Layd Aty Thue Gaste Laxy A6 Tne Gwte A6t Tnhe Gwate
Ladxy At6 Thne Gawte Laey Ag Tbe Gxte Laedy Agt Tbhe Gxate Ladey Atg Thbe Gaxte Lafy Ar Tge Gatte Lafdy Art Gae Ladfy Atr Thge Gaet
Lary Tye Gafe

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