Meat Loaf
Where Angels Sing

Meet me downtown on the corner
I'll be waiting in a big yellow cab
Don't bring a suitcase
You won't need a thing
There'll be no worries
Where angels sing
I got my ticket in my hand
Oh, the price is paid in full
No man can stop me
Their words won't sting you
No dreams will haunt me
Where Angels sing
I get so weary
On this troubled road
Unlock these chains
And gently rock me home
Beyond the clouds and the rain
Where Angels sing
Where Angels sing
Where lies can't hurt
The flesh desert me
No in or out
No loss or doubt
No living with or doing without
Where money ain't the power king
And kindness is the most precious thing
Where angels sing
Oh, where angels sing
Where time means nothing
No hustle
No one rushing
Np dark of night
No hate or spite
No wrong or right
No day or night
No towns or no cities
There's no pain, no pity
Where hunger is no longer
And a good man just gets stronger
Where angels sing
Where angels sing
Where angels sing
Where angels sing
Where angels sing
Where angels sing

Mirror lyrics:

Where angels sing
Where angels sing
Where angels sing
Where angels sing
Where angels sing
Where angels sing
And a good man just gets stronger
Where hunger is no longer
There's no pain, no pity
No towns or no cities
No day or night
No wrong or right
No hate or spite
Np dark of night
No one rushing
No hustle
Where time means nothing
Oh, where angels sing
Where angels sing
And kindness is the most precious thing
Where money ain't the power king
No living with or doing without
No loss or doubt
No in or out
The flesh desert me
Where lies can't hurt
Where Angels sing
Where Angels sing
Beyond the clouds and the rain
And gently rock me home
Unlock these chains
On this troubled road
I get so weary
Where Angels sing
No dreams will haunt me
Their words won't sting you
No man can stop me
Oh, the price is paid in full
I got my ticket in my hand
Where angels sing
There'll be no worries
You won't need a thing
Don't bring a suitcase
I'll be waiting in a big yellow cab
Meet me downtown on the corner

Relevant Tags:
WWhere AAngels SSing here ngels ing hWere nAgels iSng ahere zngels zing aWhere zAngels zSing Wahere Azngels Szing
3here qngels wing 3Where qAngels wSing W3here Aqngels Swing dhere sngels ding dWhere sAngels dSing Wdhere Asngels Sding
ehere wngels eing eWhere wAngels eSing Wehere Awngels Seing shere xngels xing sWhere xAngels xSing Wshere Axngels Sxing
2here Anngels aing 2Where Agels aSing W2here Agnels Saing qhere Amgels Siing qWhere Amngels Sng Wqhere Anmgels Snig
Whhere Ahgels Sjng Were Ahngels Sjing Wehre Anhgels Sijng Wjere Ajgels S9ng Wjhere Ajngels S9ing Whjere Anjgels Si9ng
Wuere Abgels Slng Wuhere Abngels Sling Whuere Anbgels Silng Wnere Anggels Song Wnhere Anels Soing Whnere Anegls Siong
Wbere Anhels Skng Wbhere Sking Whbere Anghels Sikng Wgere Anyels S8ng Wghere Anygels S8ing Whgere Angyels Si8ng
Wyere Anbels Sung Wyhere Suing Whyere Angbels Siung Wheere Anvels Sinng Whre Anvgels Sig Whree Angvels Sign
Whsre Anfels Simg Whsere Anfgels Simng Whesre Angfels Sinmg Wh3re Antels Sihg Wh3ere Antgels Sihng Whe3re Angtels Sinhg

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