Rods On Crutches

When we were
Running around face pressed to the ground.
Running flies that I just don't know.
Running the scene and it better be me.
Running by like I just don't know.

Your fait accompli is a play on words.
A double play on words.
A double play on what you meant.

And everybody's wise to what you've got between your thighs.
And everybody wants to know what happened next.

But still you're
Running around head pressed to the ground.
Running by that I just don't know.
Running the scene and it better be me.
Running by as I just don't know.

Your fait accompli is a play on words.
A double play on words.
A double play on what you meant.

And everybody's wise to what you've got between your thighs.
And everybody wants to know what happened next.

Rod's on crutches...

Mirror lyrics:

Rod's on crutches...

And everybody wants to know what happened next.
And everybody's wise to what you've got between your thighs.

A double play on what you meant.
A double play on words.
Your fait accompli is a play on words.

Running by as I just don't know.
Running the scene and it better be me.
Running by that I just don't know.
Running around head pressed to the ground.
But still you're

And everybody wants to know what happened next.
And everybody's wise to what you've got between your thighs.

A double play on what you meant.
A double play on words.
Your fait accompli is a play on words.

Running by like I just don't know.
Running the scene and it better be me.
Running flies that I just don't know.
Running around face pressed to the ground.
When we were

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4Rods 9On xCrutches R4ods O9n Cxrutches gods 0n vrutches gRods 0On vCrutches Rgods O0n Cvrutches tods ln drutches tRods lOn dCrutches
Rtods Oln Cdrutches 5ods in Crrutches 5Rods iOn Cutches R5ods Oin Curtches fods Onn Cdutches fRods O Rfods On Crdutches
eods Om C4utches eRods Omn C4rutches Reods Onm Cr4utches Roods Oh Cgutches Rds Ohn Cgrutches Rdos Onh Crgutches Rkds Oj Ctutches
Rkods Ojn Ctrutches Rokds Onj Crtutches R9ds Ob C5utches R9ods Obn C5rutches Ro9ds Onb Cr5utches R0ds Cfutches R0ods
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Rodws Cru5tches Rodsw Crut5ches Rodd Cruhches Rodsd Cruthches Rode Cruyches Rodse Crutyches Rodx Cru6ches

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