Martine Mucucheon
First Time (i Fell In Love)

The first time i fell in love

The stars were falling, the air was still
I still remember, i always will
My heart was flying so high above
It was the first time i fell in love

And in that moment i felt so good
I was so frightened and yet so sure
You were the hero i dreamed of
It was the first time i fell in love

You were so sorry i was so sad
You were the best thing i ever had
My heart was breaking, i'd thought i'd die
It was the first time i said good-bye

And in the darkness of that loanly night
When you held me i held on too tight
I lost the hero i dreamed of
It was the first time i fell in love

No, i'm not crying cause i am not bruised
Some loves forever some love you lose
I lost the hero that i dreamed of
It was the first time i fell in love
The very first time i fell in love
But it wont be the last time
I fall in love.

Mirror lyrics:

I fall in love.
But it wont be the last time
The very first time i fell in love
It was the first time i fell in love
I lost the hero that i dreamed of
Some loves forever some love you lose
No, i'm not crying cause i am not bruised

It was the first time i fell in love
I lost the hero i dreamed of
When you held me i held on too tight
And in the darkness of that loanly night

It was the first time i said good-bye
My heart was breaking, i'd thought i'd die
You were the best thing i ever had
You were so sorry i was so sad

It was the first time i fell in love
You were the hero i dreamed of
I was so frightened and yet so sure
And in that moment i felt so good

It was the first time i fell in love
My heart was flying so high above
I still remember, i always will
The stars were falling, the air was still

The first time i fell in love

Relevant Tags:
FFirst TTime ((i FFell IIn LLove) irst ime i ell n ove) iFrst iTme i( eFll nI oLve) cirst fime (ii cell jn kove) cFirst fTime ( cFell jIn kLove)
Fcirst Tfime (i Fcell Ijn Lkove) rirst 5ime (j rell 9n oove) rFirst 5Time (ji rFell 9In oLove) Frirst T5ime (ij Frell I9n Loove) girst hime (9 gell ln pove)
gFirst hTime (9i gFell lIn pLove) Fgirst Thime (i9 Fgell Iln Lpove) tirst yime (l tell on tFirst yTime (li tFell oIn Lve) Ftirst Tyime (il Ftell Ion Lvoe)
virst 6ime (o vell kn Lkve) vFirst 6Time (oi vFell kIn Fvirst T6ime (io Fvell Ikn Lokve) dirst gime (k dell 8n L9ve) dFirst gTime (ki dFell 8In L9ove)
Fdirst Tgime (ik Fdell I8n Lo9ve) Fiirst rime (8 Feell un L0ve) Frst rTime (8i Fll uIn L0ove) Frist Trime (i8 Flel Iun Lo0ve) Fjrst Tiime (u Fsll Inn Llve)
Fjirst Tme (ui Fsell I Llove) Fijrst Tmie (iu Fesll In Lolve) F9rst Tjme F3ll Im Live) F9irst Tjime F3ell Imn Liove) Fi9rst Tijme Fe3ll Inm Loive)
Flrst T9me Ffll Ih Lovve) Flirst T9ime Ffell Ihn Loe) Filrst Ti9me Fefll Inh Loev) Forst Tlme Frll Ij Lobe) Foirst Tlime Lobve)
Fiorst Tilme Ferll Inj Lovbe) Fkrst Tome F4ll Ib Loce) Fkirst Toime F4ell Ibn Locve) Fikrst Tiome Fe4ll Inb Lovce) F8rst Tkme Fdll Loge)
F8irst Tkime Logve) Fi8rst Tikme Fedll Lovge) Furst T8me Fwll Lofe) Fuirst T8ime Fwell Lofve) Fiurst Ti8me Fewll Lovfe)
Firrst Tume Felll Lovee) Fist Tuime Fel Lov) Fisrt Tiume Fell Lov)e Fidst Timme Fekl Lovs) Fidrst Tie Fekll Lovse)
Firdst Tiem Felkl Loves) Fi4st Tije Feol Lov3) Fi4rst Feoll Lov3e) Fir4st Timje Felol Love3) Figst Tike Fepl Lovf)
Figrst Fepll

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