Time Baby Iii

Sometimes it rains inside my head
All the words run dry
Walls are breathing hands are reaching up
To touch my thigh

No they don't have to take you away
No they don't have to take you away
No they don't have to take you away
No they don't have to take you away

Sometimes it's bright inside my head
Just like the spark in my eyes
And hands are breathing ones are reaching up
Cause that's the time we rise

No they don't have to take you away
No they don't have to take you away
No they don't have to take you away
No they don't have to take you away
(That's breaking away again)
No they don't have to take you away

Mirror lyrics:

No they don't have to take you away
(That's breaking away again)
No they don't have to take you away
No they don't have to take you away
No they don't have to take you away
No they don't have to take you away

Cause that's the time we rise
And hands are breathing ones are reaching up
Just like the spark in my eyes
Sometimes it's bright inside my head

No they don't have to take you away
No they don't have to take you away
No they don't have to take you away
No they don't have to take you away

To touch my thigh
Walls are breathing hands are reaching up
All the words run dry
Sometimes it rains inside my head

Relevant Tags:
TTime BBaby IIii ime aby ii iTme aBby iIi fime vaby jii fTime vBaby jIii Tfime Bvaby Ijii 5ime gaby 9ii 5Time gBaby 9Iii T5ime Bgaby I9ii
hime naby lii hTime nBaby lIii Thime Bnaby Ilii yime haby oii yTime hBaby oIii Tyime Bhaby Ioii 6ime Baaby kii 6Time Bby kIii T6ime Bbay Ikii
gime Bzby 8ii gTime Bzaby 8Iii Tgime Bazby I8ii rime Bqby uii rTime Bqaby uIii Trime Baqby Iuii Tiime Bsby Iiii Tme Bsaby Ii Tmie Basby Iii
Tjme Bwby Iji Tjime Bwaby Tijme Bawby Iiji T9me Bxby I9i T9ime Bxaby Ti9me Baxby Ii9i Tlme Babby Ili Tlime Bay Tilme Bayb Iili
Tome Bavy Ioi Toime Bavby Tiome Babvy Iioi Tkme Bagy Iki Tkime Bagby

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