Meat Puppets
Flaming Heart

Praise the sight
Someone dropped a ball on me
Damn the wind
Giving life to sails
Human sin
Couldn't stir a fire in me
Damn the night
As the powders fail

And one beam of light is falling
From a single crazy eye
And it sweeps the inside sky
From east to right
Flaming heart, burning out

Pray tonight
Someone burns a name on me
Damn the sight
Painted on my eyes
Back to life
Passing through the wall to me
Feel the fire
Violet, black, and white

Late tonight
Someone pinned a tail on me
Later on
Someone robbed me blind
Took my life
Took my box of chicken teeth
Take the blame
Trusted enemy

Mirror lyrics:

Trusted enemy
Take the blame
Took my box of chicken teeth
Took my life
Someone robbed me blind
Later on
Someone pinned a tail on me
Late tonight

Violet, black, and white
Feel the fire
Passing through the wall to me
Back to life
Painted on my eyes
Damn the sight
Someone burns a name on me
Pray tonight

Flaming heart, burning out
From east to right
And it sweeps the inside sky
From a single crazy eye
And one beam of light is falling

As the powders fail
Damn the night
Couldn't stir a fire in me
Human sin
Giving life to sails
Damn the wind
Someone dropped a ball on me
Praise the sight

Relevant Tags:
FFlaming HHeart laming eart lFaming eHart claming jeart cFlaming jHeart Fclaming Hjeart rlaming ueart rFlaming uHeart Frlaming Hueart
glaming neart gFlaming nHeart Fglaming Hneart tlaming beart tFlaming bHeart Ftlaming Hbeart vlaming geart vFlaming gHeart Fvlaming Hgeart
dlaming yeart dFlaming yHeart Fdlaming Hyeart Fllaming Heeart Faming Hart Falming Haert Fkaming Hsart Fklaming Hseart Flkaming Hesart
Foaming H3art Folaming H3eart Floaming He3art Fpaming Hfart Fplaming Hfeart Flpaming Hefart Flaaming Hrart Flming Hreart Flmaing Herart
Flzming H4art Flzaming H4eart Flazming He4art Flqming Hdart Flqaming Hdeart Flaqming Hedart Flsming Hwart Flsaming Hweart Flasming Hewart
Flwming Heaart Flwaming Hert Flawming Herat Flxming Hezrt Flxaming Hezart Flaxming Heazrt Flamming Heqrt Flaing Heqart Flaimng Heaqrt
Flajing Hesrt Flajming Flamjing Heasrt Flaking Hewrt Flakming

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