A Tout Le Monde (set Me Free)

Don't remember where I was
I realized life was a game
The more seriously I took things
The harder the rules became
I had no idea what it'd cost
My life passed before my eyes
When I found out how little I accomplished
All my plans denied

So as you read this know my friends
I'd love to stay with you all
Smile when you think of me
My body's gone that's all

A tout le monde (To all the world)
A tout mes amis (To all my friends)
Je vous aime (I love you)
Je dois partir (I have to leave)
These are the last words
I'll ever speak
And they'll set me free

If my heart was still alive
I know it would surely break
And my memories left with you
There's nothing more to say

Moving on is a simple thing
What it leaves behind is hard
You know the sleeping feel no more pain
And the living are scarred

A tout le monde (To all the world)
A tout mes amis (To all my friends)
Je vous aime (I love you)
Je dois partir (I have to leave)
These are the last words
I'll ever speak
And they'll set me free

So as you read this know my friends
I'd love to stay with you all
Please smile, smile when you think about me
My body's gone that's all

A tout le monde (To all the world)
A tout mes amis (To all my friends)
Je vous aime (I love you)
Je dois partir (I have to leave)
These are the last words
I'll ever speak
And they'll set me free

These are the last words
I'll ever speak
And they'll set me free

Mirror lyrics:

And they'll set me free
I'll ever speak
These are the last words

And they'll set me free
I'll ever speak
These are the last words
Je dois partir (I have to leave)
Je vous aime (I love you)
A tout mes amis (To all my friends)
A tout le monde (To all the world)

My body's gone that's all
Please smile, smile when you think about me
I'd love to stay with you all
So as you read this know my friends

And they'll set me free
I'll ever speak
These are the last words
Je dois partir (I have to leave)
Je vous aime (I love you)
A tout mes amis (To all my friends)
A tout le monde (To all the world)

And the living are scarred
You know the sleeping feel no more pain
What it leaves behind is hard
Moving on is a simple thing

There's nothing more to say
And my memories left with you
I know it would surely break
If my heart was still alive

And they'll set me free
I'll ever speak
These are the last words
Je dois partir (I have to leave)
Je vous aime (I love you)
A tout mes amis (To all my friends)
A tout le monde (To all the world)

My body's gone that's all
Smile when you think of me
I'd love to stay with you all
So as you read this know my friends

All my plans denied
When I found out how little I accomplished
My life passed before my eyes
I had no idea what it'd cost
The harder the rules became
The more seriously I took things
I realized life was a game
Don't remember where I was

Relevant Tags:
AA TTout LLe MMonde ((set MMe FFree) out e onde set e ree) A oTut eL oMnde s(et eM rFee) z fout ke jonde (sset je cree) zA fTout kLe jMonde (et jMe cFree)
Az Tfout Lke Mjonde (est Mje Fcree) q 5out oe konde (zet ke rree) qA 5Tout oLe kMonde (zset kMe rFree) Aq T5out Loe Mkonde (szet Mke Frree) s hout pe nonde (wet ne gree)
sA hTout pLe nMonde (wset nMe gFree) As Thout Lpe Mnonde (swet Mne Fgree) w yout Lee Moonde (det Mee tree) wA yTout L Mnde (dset M tFree) Aw Tyout Le Mnode (sdet Me Ftree)
x 6out Ls Mknde (eet Ms vree) xA 6Tout Lse (eset Mse vFree) Ax T6out Les Moknde (seet Mes Fvree) gout L3 M9nde (xet M3 dree) gTout L3e M9onde (xset M3e dFree)
Tgout Le3 Mo9nde (sxet Me3 Fdree) rout Lf M0nde (aet Mf rTout Lfe M0onde (aset Mfe Fee) Trout Lef Mo0nde (saet Mef Fere) Toout Lr Mlnde Mr Fdee)
Tut Lre Mlonde (st Mre Tuot Ler Molnde (ste Mer Frdee) Tkut L4 Minde (sst M4 F4ee) Tkout L4e Mionde M4e F4ree) Tokut Le4 Moinde (sest Me4 Fr4ee)
T9ut Ld Monnde (s3t Md Fgee) T9out Lde Mode (s3et Mde To9ut Led Modne (se3t Med Frgee) T0ut Lw Momde (sft Mw Ftee) T0out Lwe Momnde (sfet Mwe
To0ut Lew Monmde (seft Mew Frtee) Tlut Mohde (srt F5ee) Tlout Mohnde (sret F5ree) Tolut Monhde (sert Fr5ee) Tiut Mojde (s4t Ffee)
Tiout Mojnde (s4et Ffree) Toiut Monjde (se4t Frfee) Touut Mobde (sdt Feee)

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