A Secret Place

There's a secret place I like to go
Everyone is there but their face don't show
If you get inside you can't get out
there's no coming back, I hear them shout

Welcome to my hide away, my secret place
How I arrived I can't explain
You're welcome to, if you want to stay
But everyone just runs away

Let me in, get me out
Can't do more than twist and shout
Lost my soul without a trace
Found it again in my secret place
In disgrace

I hide from those that try to find me
Scary things that's right behind me
I love myself, I must confess
I can't explain how I got this mess

Mirror lyrics:

I can't explain how I got this mess
I love myself, I must confess
Scary things that's right behind me
I hide from those that try to find me

In disgrace
Found it again in my secret place
Lost my soul without a trace
Can't do more than twist and shout
Let me in, get me out

But everyone just runs away
You're welcome to, if you want to stay
How I arrived I can't explain
Welcome to my hide away, my secret place

there's no coming back, I hear them shout
If you get inside you can't get out
Everyone is there but their face don't show
There's a secret place I like to go

Relevant Tags:
AA SSecret PPlace ecret lace A eScret lPace z zecret 0lace zA zSecret 0Place Az Szecret P0lace q wecret llace qA wSecret lPlace
Aq Swecret Pllace s decret olace sA dSecret oPlace As Sdecret Polace w eecret wA eSecret Pace Aw Seecret Palce x xecret Pkace
xA xSecret Pklace Ax Sxecret Plkace aecret Poace aSecret Saecret Ploace Ppace Scret Pplace Sceret Plpace
Sscret Plaace Ssecret Plce Sescret Plcae S3cret Plzce S3ecret Plzace Se3cret Plazce Sfcret Plqce Sfecret Plqace
Sefcret Plaqce Srcret Plsce Srecret Plsace Sercret Plasce S4cret Plwce S4ecret Plwace Se4cret Plawce Sdcret Plxce
Plxace Sedcret Plaxce Swcret Placce Plae Sewcret Plaec Seccret Plafe Seret Plafce Sercet Placfe
Sefret Plaxe Secfret Placxe Sexret Plave Sexcret Plavce Secxret Placve Sevret Plade Sevcret Pladce Secvret Placde
Sedret Placee Plac

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