Melissa Etheridge
The Universe Listened

We do our best
We stay in step
As time goes marching by
But there's something wrong
We don't start living
Until we almost die

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
And the universe listened

Well, I was born
A silver thorn
On a mid-west rose
I found out fast
Love is last
And it comes and goes
I made a deal
Hearts to steal
They will know my name
I'll pay the price
Any price
Just give me the fame


A perfect song
My love wrong
So I ache the dark
A hero's close
The story goes on
But I hate the part
I chose to fall
Destroy it all
But I will rise again
I believe in love
Please send me love
And I will try again

[Chorus x2]

Remove the dark
Heal my heart
Make my body whole
I found my angels
Found my spirit
Guess I found my soul
Teach me how
Show me now
This light has taken me
I'm not ashamed
Help me explain
This awakening

[Chorus x2]

Mirror lyrics:

[Chorus x2]

This awakening
Help me explain
I'm not ashamed
This light has taken me
Show me now
Teach me how
Guess I found my soul
Found my spirit
I found my angels
Make my body whole
Heal my heart
Remove the dark

[Chorus x2]

And I will try again
Please send me love
I believe in love
But I will rise again
Destroy it all
I chose to fall
But I hate the part
The story goes on
A hero's close
So I ache the dark
My love wrong
A perfect song


Just give me the fame
Any price
I'll pay the price
They will know my name
Hearts to steal
I made a deal
And it comes and goes
Love is last
I found out fast
On a mid-west rose
A silver thorn
Well, I was born

And the universe listened
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah

Until we almost die
We don't start living
But there's something wrong
As time goes marching by
We stay in step
We do our best

Relevant Tags:
TThe UUniverse LListened he niverse istened hTe nUiverse iLstened fhe hniverse kistened fThe hUniverse kListened Tfhe Uhniverse Lkistened
5he 7niverse oistened 5The 7Universe oListened T5he U7niverse Loistened hhe kniverse pistened hThe kUniverse pListened Thhe Ukniverse Lpistened
yhe iniverse Liistened yThe iUniverse Lstened Tyhe Uiniverse Lsitened 6he 8niverse Ljstened 6The 8Universe Ljistened T6he U8niverse Lijstened
ghe jniverse L9stened gThe jUniverse L9istened Tghe Ujniverse Li9stened rhe yniverse Llstened rThe yUniverse Llistened Trhe Uyniverse Lilstened
Unniverse Lostened Te Uiverse Teh Uinverse Liostened Tje Umiverse Lkstened Tjhe Umniverse Thje Unmiverse Likstened
Tue Uhiverse L8stened Tuhe L8istened Thue Unhiverse Li8stened Tne Ujiverse Lustened Tnhe Luistened Thne Unjiverse Liustened
Tbe Ubiverse Lisstened Tbhe Ubniverse Litened Thbe Unbiverse Litsened Tge Uniiverse Liztened Unverse Lizstened Thge Unvierse Lisztened
Tye Unjverse Liwtened Liwstened Thye Unijverse Liswtened Thee Un9verse Lidtened Th Un9iverse Lidstened The Uni9verse Lisdtened
Ths Unlverse Lietened Thse Unliverse Liestened Thes Unilverse Lisetened Th3 Unoverse Lixtened Th3e Unoiverse Lixstened The3 Unioverse Lisxtened
Thf Unkverse Liatened Thfe Unkiverse Liastened Thef Unikverse Lisatened Thr Un8verse Listtened Thre Un8iverse Lisened Ther Uni8verse Lisetned
Th4 Unuverse Lisfened Th4e Unuiverse Lisftened The4 Uniuverse Listfened Thd Univverse Lis5ened Thde Unierse Lis5tened Thed Unievrse List5ened
Thw Uniberse Lishened Thwe Unibverse Lishtened Thew Univberse Listhened Unicerse Lisyened Unicverse Lisytened Univcerse Listyened
Unigerse Lis6ened Unigverse Lis6tened Univgerse List6ened Uniferse Lisgened Unifverse Lisgtened Univferse Listgened

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