Melissa Etheridge
Dance Without Sleeping

I don't want to talk about it
I've done enough I think
I don't want to spend more money
Don't want another drink
I would scratch out all the images
If I had the chance
Don't ask me what I'm thinking
Can't you see I only want to dance

Dance without sleeping
Dance without fear
Dance without senses no message I hear
Dance without sleeping
Dance till I'm numb
Dance till I think I can overcome

Walking on the edge of rage and understanding
Between the black and the white
This child is so angry
Alone here tonight
Alarming desperation
Leads me to believe
With all my shields and protection
It's only me I deceive


The eyes on a magazine
The voice on the radio
The kiss on the movie screen
This is the story I know
Fathers hold on and they never go
Mothers hold on and they never go
Lovers hold on and they never go
Lovers they come and they never go


Mirror lyrics:


Lovers they come and they never go
Lovers hold on and they never go
Mothers hold on and they never go
Fathers hold on and they never go
This is the story I know
The kiss on the movie screen
The voice on the radio
The eyes on a magazine


It's only me I deceive
With all my shields and protection
Leads me to believe
Alarming desperation
Alone here tonight
This child is so angry
Between the black and the white
Walking on the edge of rage and understanding

Dance till I think I can overcome
Dance till I'm numb
Dance without sleeping
Dance without senses no message I hear
Dance without fear
Dance without sleeping

Can't you see I only want to dance
Don't ask me what I'm thinking
If I had the chance
I would scratch out all the images
Don't want another drink
I don't want to spend more money
I've done enough I think
I don't want to talk about it

Relevant Tags:
DDance WWithout SSleeping ance ithout leeping aDnce iWthout lSeeping xance aithout zleeping xDance aWithout zSleeping Dxance Waithout Szleeping
eance 3ithout wleeping eDance 3Without wSleeping Deance W3ithout Swleeping fance dithout dleeping fDance dWithout dSleeping Dfance Wdithout Sdleeping
rance eithout eleeping rDance eWithout eSleeping Drance Weithout Seleeping cance sithout xleeping cDance sWithout xSleeping Dcance Wsithout Sxleeping
sance 2ithout aleeping sDance 2Without aSleeping Dsance W2ithout Saleeping Daance qithout Slleeping Dnce qWithout Seeping Dnace Wqithout Seleping
Dznce Wiithout Skeeping Dzance Wthout Skleeping Daznce Wtihout Slkeeping Dqnce Wjthout Soeeping Dqance Wjithout Soleeping Daqnce Wijthout Sloeeping
Dsnce W9thout Speeping W9ithout Spleeping Dasnce Wi9thout Slpeeping Dwnce Wlthout Sleeeping Dwance Wlithout Sleping Dawnce Wilthout Sleeping
Dxnce Wothout Slseping Woithout Slseeping Daxnce Wiothout Sleseping Dannce Wkthout Sl3eping Dace Wkithout Sl3eeping Dacne Wikthout Sle3eping
Damce W8thout Slfeping Damnce W8ithout Slfeeping Danmce Wi8thout Slefeping Dahce Wuthout Slreping Dahnce Wuithout Slreeping Danhce Wiuthout Slereping
Dajce Witthout Sl4eping Dajnce Wihout Sl4eeping Danjce Wihtout Sle4eping Dabce Wifhout Sldeping Dabnce Wifthout Sldeeping Danbce Witfhout Sledeping
Dancce Wi5hout Slweping Dane Wi5thout Slweeping Danec Wit5hout Sleweping Danfe Wihhout Danfce Wihthout Dancfe Withhout Slepeing
Danxe Wiyhout Slesping Danxce Wiythout Dancxe Wityhout Sleesping Danve Wi6hout Sle3ping Danvce Wi6thout Dancve Wit6hout Slee3ping
Dande Wighout Slefping Dandce Wigthout Dancde Witghout Sleefping Dancee Wirhout Slerping Danc Wirthout Dance Witrhout Sleerping
Dancs Sle4ping Dancse Witout Dances Witohut Slee4ping Danc3 Witjout Sledping

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