Melissa Dori Dye
Wait Lady Of Mine

you and i lady of mine
we are all we imagine
this love is devine
it's true and i will see you thru these times
these times
these lonely times

when i'm scared and confused i hold you and i'm me again
it's me again, dreaming you
when i'm with you i'm so in love
did the skies make this life for us

wait ... wait ... wait
heard you say my name
that look in your eyes, i couldn't go on
i chased the dream, all for love

the tide moves in and out it goes
wants me to leave you, i never will
won't you stay
without you it's meaningless

wait for me
say you see

i can't change the rain or the clouds in the sky but
i could love you forever
that look in your eyes, i couldn't go on
endlessly she dreams of love
when you're scared or confused i'll hold you see
if you leave i refuse to let go, i want you to know

my love wait for me

wait ... wait ... wait
heard you say my name
that look in your eyes, i could be wrong
stay with me
be in love

the tide moves in and out it goes
wants me to leave you, i never will

you and i move in time
you will be the reason
our love so deep forever is nothing but a moment in a vast eternity

you will be the reason why
wait ... wait ... wait
heard you say my name
that look in your eyes, i could be wrong
stay with me
be in love

the tide moves in and out it goes
wants me to leave you i never will

wait ... wait ... wait
heard you say my name
that look in your eyes, i couldn't go on
i chased the dream, all for love

the tide moves in and out it goes
wants me to leave you, i never will

you and i lady of mine
you and i lady of mine
you and i lady of mine
you and i lady of mine

Mirror lyrics:

you and i lady of mine
you and i lady of mine
you and i lady of mine
you and i lady of mine

wants me to leave you, i never will
the tide moves in and out it goes

i chased the dream, all for love
that look in your eyes, i couldn't go on
heard you say my name
wait ... wait ... wait

wants me to leave you i never will
the tide moves in and out it goes

be in love
stay with me
that look in your eyes, i could be wrong
heard you say my name
wait ... wait ... wait
you will be the reason why

our love so deep forever is nothing but a moment in a vast eternity
you will be the reason
you and i move in time

wants me to leave you, i never will
the tide moves in and out it goes

be in love
stay with me
that look in your eyes, i could be wrong
heard you say my name
wait ... wait ... wait

my love wait for me

if you leave i refuse to let go, i want you to know
when you're scared or confused i'll hold you see
endlessly she dreams of love
that look in your eyes, i couldn't go on
i could love you forever
i can't change the rain or the clouds in the sky but

say you see
wait for me

without you it's meaningless
won't you stay
wants me to leave you, i never will
the tide moves in and out it goes

i chased the dream, all for love
that look in your eyes, i couldn't go on
heard you say my name
wait ... wait ... wait

did the skies make this life for us
when i'm with you i'm so in love
it's me again, dreaming you
when i'm scared and confused i hold you and i'm me again

these lonely times
these times
it's true and i will see you thru these times
this love is devine
we are all we imagine
you and i lady of mine

Relevant Tags:
WWait LLady OOf MMine ait ady f ine aWit aLdy fO iMne aait kady kf jine aWait kLady kOf jMine Waait Lkady Okf Mjine
3ait oady 9f kine 3Wait oLady 9Of kMine W3ait Loady O9f Mkine dait pady 0f nine dWait pLady 0Of nMine Wdait Lpady O0f Mnine
eait Laady lf Miine eWait Ldy lOf Mne Weait Lday Olf Mnie sait Lzdy if Mjne sWait Lzady iOf Wsait Lazdy Oif Mijne
2ait Lqdy Off M9ne 2Wait Lqady O M9ine W2ait Laqdy Of Mi9ne qait Lsdy Oc Mlne qWait Lsady Ocf Mline Wqait Lasdy Ofc Milne
Lwdy Or Mone Wit Lwady Orf Moine Wiat Lawdy Ofr Mione Wzit Lxdy Og Mkne Wzait Lxady Ogf Wazit Laxdy Ofg Mikne
Wqit Laddy Ot M8ne Lay Otf M8ine Waqit Layd Oft Mi8ne Wsit Laxy Ov Mune Ovf Muine Wasit Ladxy Ofv Miune
Wwit Laey Od Minne Wwait Laedy Odf Mie Wawit Ladey Ofd Mien Wxit Lafy Mime Wxait Lafdy Mimne Waxit Ladfy Minme
Waiit Lary Mihe Wat Lardy Mihne

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