Melissa Dori Dye
Faces Time Replaces

turn around and there you stand watch it all slip through your hands
you think it's easy soon you'll find you'll be losing your mind
i see things clearly i know i do
when it comes to life i'm not at all confused
i'm so confused
it's just i wonder what to believe
sometimes i know the next will be me

think of the faces time replaces
will i fall next in line
if that's what you see then you better believe soon it will be your time

sometimes your fears can make you strong
when it's gone don't hold on
the price is high when you want too much
however real it's not enough
it won't help to be crying
you won't know where it's hiding
you'd never know it but i see us falling
i try to fight it but it keeps on calling

think of the faces time replaces
will i fall next in line
if that's what you see then you better believe soon it will be your time

what of the faces time erases
will i fall next in line
if that's what you see then you better believe soon it will be your time

who will be next in line
who will fall next in line
can you tell me

think of the faces time replaces
will i fall next in line
if that's what you fear then you better believe soon it will be your time
what of the faces time erases
will i fall next in line
if that's what you fear then the end may be near
i'll never run from mine

Mirror lyrics:

i'll never run from mine
if that's what you fear then the end may be near
will i fall next in line
what of the faces time erases
if that's what you fear then you better believe soon it will be your time
will i fall next in line
think of the faces time replaces

can you tell me
who will fall next in line
who will be next in line

if that's what you see then you better believe soon it will be your time
will i fall next in line
what of the faces time erases

if that's what you see then you better believe soon it will be your time
will i fall next in line
think of the faces time replaces

i try to fight it but it keeps on calling
you'd never know it but i see us falling
you won't know where it's hiding
it won't help to be crying
however real it's not enough
the price is high when you want too much
when it's gone don't hold on
sometimes your fears can make you strong

if that's what you see then you better believe soon it will be your time
will i fall next in line
think of the faces time replaces

sometimes i know the next will be me
it's just i wonder what to believe
i'm so confused
when it comes to life i'm not at all confused
i see things clearly i know i do
you think it's easy soon you'll find you'll be losing your mind
turn around and there you stand watch it all slip through your hands

Relevant Tags:
FFaces TTime RReplaces aces ime eplaces aFces iTme eRplaces caces fime deplaces cFaces fTime dReplaces Fcaces Tfime Rdeplaces
races 5ime 4eplaces rFaces 5Time 4Replaces Fraces T5ime R4eplaces gaces hime geplaces gFaces hTime gReplaces Fgaces Thime Rgeplaces
taces yime teplaces tFaces yTime tReplaces Ftaces Tyime Rteplaces vaces 6ime 5eplaces vFaces 6Time 5Replaces Fvaces T6ime R5eplaces
daces gime feplaces dFaces gTime fReplaces Fdaces Tgime Rfeplaces Faaces rime eeplaces Fces rTime eReplaces Fcaes Trime Reeplaces
Fzces Tiime Fzaces Tme Rplaces Fazces Tmie Rpelaces Fqces Tjme Rsplaces Fqaces Tjime Rseplaces Faqces Tijme Resplaces
Fsces T9me R3places Fsaces T9ime R3eplaces Fasces Ti9me Re3places Fwces Tlme Rfplaces Fwaces Tlime Fawces Tilme Refplaces
Fxces Tome Rrplaces Fxaces Toime Rreplaces Faxces Tiome Rerplaces Facces Tkme R4places Faes Tkime Faecs Tikme Re4places
Fafes T8me Rdplaces Fafces T8ime Facfes Ti8me Redplaces Faxes Tume Rwplaces Tuime Rweplaces Facxes Tiume Rewplaces
Faves Timme Repplaces Favces Tie Relaces Facves Tiem Relpaces Fades Tije Re0laces Fadces Re0places Facdes Timje Rep0laces
Facees Tike Rellaces Facs Relplaces Facse Timke Repllaces Facss Tine Reolaces Facses Tinme Reoplaces Facess Timne Repolaces
Fac3s Timee Fac3es Tim Repaces Face3s Time Repalces Facfs Tims Repkaces Timse Repklaces Facefs Times Replkaces
Facrs Tim3 Repoaces Facres Tim3e

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