Melissa Dori Dye
Charade Is Blah

this charade is blah
you feel nothing and you tear me up, tear me up
when the pain is gone don't come messing up my make up,make up

you can be so dry but i see it's raining in your eyes everytime you speak
all the love inside destroyed me and i will never know the truth

no, no - yes everything's gone
forwarded on to the end
no, no it's now or never and baby time can't save us

this charade it's blah
you feel nothing and you tear me up, tear me up
when the pain is gone don't come messing up my make up,make up

look me in the eyes
walk thru me
i imagine what it's like to be in your arms
to be the one you touch
do you really think that i'd let you go

no, no, no, no you don't
cause you're the one who threw me away
no, no, no nothing's forever and baby time can't save us

this charade is blah
you feel nothing and you tear me up, tear me up
when the pain is gone don't come messing up my make up,make up

i promise you time is gonna make it harder
you like it sour but i'm in a daze
i swear i am walking away
i can't stand your charade of love, charade of love
you feel nothing and you tear me up

baby time can't save us

this charade it's blah
you feel nothing and you tear me up, tear me up
when the pain is gone don't come messing up my make up,make up

this charade it's blah
you feel nothing and you tear me up, tear me up
when the pain is gone don't come messing up my make up,make up

this charade is blah

Written By Melissa Dori Dye

© 2005 Meladori Publishing, ASCAP

Mirror lyrics:

© 2005 Meladori Publishing, ASCAP

Written By Melissa Dori Dye

this charade is blah

when the pain is gone don't come messing up my make up,make up
you feel nothing and you tear me up, tear me up
this charade it's blah

when the pain is gone don't come messing up my make up,make up
you feel nothing and you tear me up, tear me up
this charade it's blah

baby time can't save us

you feel nothing and you tear me up
i can't stand your charade of love, charade of love
i swear i am walking away
you like it sour but i'm in a daze
i promise you time is gonna make it harder

when the pain is gone don't come messing up my make up,make up
you feel nothing and you tear me up, tear me up
this charade is blah

no, no, no nothing's forever and baby time can't save us
cause you're the one who threw me away
no, no, no, no you don't

do you really think that i'd let you go
to be the one you touch
i imagine what it's like to be in your arms
walk thru me
look me in the eyes

when the pain is gone don't come messing up my make up,make up
you feel nothing and you tear me up, tear me up
this charade it's blah

no, no it's now or never and baby time can't save us
forwarded on to the end
no, no - yes everything's gone

all the love inside destroyed me and i will never know the truth
you can be so dry but i see it's raining in your eyes everytime you speak

when the pain is gone don't come messing up my make up,make up
you feel nothing and you tear me up, tear me up
this charade is blah

Relevant Tags:
CCharade IIs BBlah harade s lah hCarade sI lBah fharade js vlah fCharade jIs vBlah Cfharade Ijs Bvlah xharade 9s glah
xCharade 9Is gBlah Cxharade I9s Bglah vharade ls nlah vCharade lIs nBlah Cvharade Ils Bnlah dharade os hlah dCharade oIs hBlah
Cdharade Ios Bhlah Chharade ks Bllah Carade kIs Bah Cahrade Iks Balh Cjarade 8s Bkah Cjharade 8Is Bklah Chjarade I8s Blkah
Cuarade us Boah Cuharade uIs Bolah Chuarade Ius Bloah Cnarade Iss Bpah Cnharade I Bplah Chnarade Is Blpah Cbarade Iz Blaah
Cbharade Izs Blh Chbarade Isz Blha Cgarade Iw Blzh Cgharade Iws Blzah Chgarade Isw Blazh Cyarade Id Blqh Cyharade Ids Blqah
Chyarade Isd Blaqh Chaarade Ie Blsh Chrade Ies Blsah Chraade Ise Blash Chzrade Ix Blwh Chzarade Ixs Blwah Chazrade Isx Blawh
Chqrade Ia Blxh Chqarade Ias Blxah Chaqrade Isa Blaxh Chsrade Blahh Chsarade Bla Chasrade Blah Chwrade Blaj
Chwarade Blajh Chawrade Blahj Chxrade Blau Chxarade Blauh Chaxrade Blahu Charrade Blan Chaade Blanh
Chaarde Blahn Chadade Blab Chadrade Blabh Chardade Blahb Cha4ade Blag Cha4rade Blagh Char4ade Blahg
Chagade Blay Chagrade Blayh Chargade Blahy Chatade

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