Melinda Schneider
You Are Something Else

Been moved to tears

Been stilled by what I saw

And through the years

I think IÂ've pretty much seen it all

Seven seas and heavenly symphonies

Rows of red roses in bloom

Eiffel tower and Van GoughÂ's sunflowers

IÂ've seen a man on the moon

I stood there amazed by the beauty and wonder

Took it all in and I said Â'that was somethingÂ' but

You are something else

Everything I seen

YouÂ're still the fairest one

Baby everything

Pales in comparison

Mountain summits and desert sunsets

Fireflies that dance on the night

Weeping willows and perfect rainbows

IÂ've seen the great Northern lights

I stood there amazed by the beauty and wonder

Took it all in and I said Â'that was somethingÂ' but

You are something else

And something else

YouÂ're something more

Something thatÂ's never been before


Eiffel tower and Van GoughÂ's sunflowers

IÂ've seen a man on the moon

I stood there amazed by the beauty and wonder

Took it all in and I said Â'that was somethingÂ' but

You are something else

You are something else

You are something else

Mirror lyrics:

You are something else

You are something else

You are something else

Took it all in and I said Â'that was somethingÂ' but

I stood there amazed by the beauty and wonder

IÂ've seen a man on the moon

Eiffel tower and Van GoughÂ's sunflowers


Something thatÂ's never been before

YouÂ're something more

And something else

You are something else

Took it all in and I said Â'that was somethingÂ' but

I stood there amazed by the beauty and wonder

IÂ've seen the great Northern lights

Weeping willows and perfect rainbows

Fireflies that dance on the night

Mountain summits and desert sunsets

Pales in comparison

Baby everything

YouÂ're still the fairest one

Everything I seen

You are something else

Took it all in and I said Â'that was somethingÂ' but

I stood there amazed by the beauty and wonder

IÂ've seen a man on the moon

Eiffel tower and Van GoughÂ's sunflowers

Rows of red roses in bloom

Seven seas and heavenly symphonies

I think IÂ've pretty much seen it all

And through the years

Been stilled by what I saw

Been moved to tears

Relevant Tags:
YYou AAre SSomething EElse ou re omething lse oYu rAe oSmething lEse gou zre zomething slse gYou zAre zSomething sElse Ygou Azre Szomething Eslse
hou qre womething 3lse hYou qAre wSomething 3Else Yhou Aqre Swomething E3lse 6ou sre domething flse 6You sAre dSomething fElse Y6ou Asre Sdomething Eflse
uou wre eomething rlse uYou wAre eSomething rElse Yuou Awre Seomething Erlse 7ou xre xomething 4lse 7You xAre xSomething 4Else Y7ou Axre Sxomething E4lse
jou Arre aomething dlse jYou Ae aSomething dElse Yjou Aer Saomething Edlse tou Ade Soomething wlse tYou Adre Smething wElse Ytou Arde Smoething Ewlse
Yoou A4e Skmething Ellse Yu A4re Skomething Ese Yuo Ar4e Sokmething Esle Yku Age S9mething Ekse Ykou Agre S9omething Eklse Yoku Arge So9mething Elkse
Y9u Ate S0mething Eose Y9ou Atre S0omething Eolse Yo9u Arte So0mething Elose Y0u A5e Slmething Epse Y0ou A5re Slomething Eplse Yo0u Ar5e Solmething Elpse
Ylu Afe Simething Elsse Ylou Afre Siomething Ele Yolu Arfe Soimething Eles Yiu Aee Sommething Elze Yiou Aere Soething Elzse Yoiu Aree Soemthing Elsze
Youu Sojething Elwe Yo Ar Sojmething Elwse You Are Somjething Elswe Yoh Ars Sokething Elde Yohu Arse Eldse Youh Ares Somkething Elsde
Yo7 Ar3 Sonething Elee Yo7u Ar3e Sonmething Elese You7 Are3 Somnething Elsee Yok Arf Someething Elxe Somthing Elxse Youk Aref Somtehing Elsxe
Yoi Arr Somsthing Elae Somsething Elase Youi Arer Somesthing Elsae Yo8 Ar4 Som3thing Yo8u Som3ething Els You8 Are4 Some3thing Else
Yoj Ard Somfthing Elss Yoju Somfething Youj Ared Somefthing Elses Yoy Arw Somrthing Els3 Yoyu Arwe Somrething Els3e Youy Arew Somerthing Else3
Som4thing Elsf Som4ething Elsfe Some4thing Elsef Somdthing Elsr Somdething Elsre Somedthing Elser
Somwthing Els4 Somwething Els4e Somewthing Else4 Sometthing Elsd Somehing Somehting Elsed
Somefhing Elsw Sometfhing Elsew Some5hing Some5thing Somet5hing Somehhing

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