Melinda Doolittle
Trouble Is A Woman

Trouble is a woman with a chip on her shoulder
Swore he loved her and no other
She had a feeling he was lying
A woman on a mission no denying
Someones gonna have to pay this time
Trouble is a woman with a man on her mind

And when she walked into the room
And saw him with somebody new
She grabbed the arm of a good looking guy
She said dance with me
And he could see the fire in her eyes

Trouble is a woman in tight blue jeans
Dancing too close ya know what that means
Across the room she saw him coming
Turning over chairs people were running
In the eye of the storm ya just might find
Trouble is a woman with a man on her mind

Two big men standing face to face
One said you've made a big mistake
Thats when the fists began to fly
As he hit the floor
She hit the door
Never heard her say goodbye

Trouble is a woman in a 4-wheel drive
On an old dirt road to a brand new life
She ain't hanging round for nothing
Theres a lot more men with a lot more loving
Yeah shes gonna get it right this time
Trouble is a woman with a man on her mind

She's gonna get it right this time
Trouble is a woman with a man on her mind

Mirror lyrics:

Trouble is a woman with a man on her mind
She's gonna get it right this time

Trouble is a woman with a man on her mind
Yeah shes gonna get it right this time
Theres a lot more men with a lot more loving
She ain't hanging round for nothing
On an old dirt road to a brand new life
Trouble is a woman in a 4-wheel drive

Never heard her say goodbye
She hit the door
As he hit the floor
Thats when the fists began to fly
One said you've made a big mistake
Two big men standing face to face

Trouble is a woman with a man on her mind
In the eye of the storm ya just might find
Turning over chairs people were running
Across the room she saw him coming
Dancing too close ya know what that means
Trouble is a woman in tight blue jeans

And he could see the fire in her eyes
She said dance with me
She grabbed the arm of a good looking guy
And saw him with somebody new
And when she walked into the room

Trouble is a woman with a man on her mind
Someones gonna have to pay this time
A woman on a mission no denying
She had a feeling he was lying
Swore he loved her and no other
Trouble is a woman with a chip on her shoulder

Relevant Tags:
TTrouble IIs AA WWoman rouble s oman rTouble sI A oWman frouble js z aoman fTrouble jIs zA aWoman Tfrouble Ijs Az Waoman
5rouble 9s q 3oman 5Trouble 9Is qA 3Woman T5rouble I9s Aq W3oman hrouble ls s doman hTrouble lIs sA dWoman Throuble Ils As Wdoman
yrouble os w eoman yTrouble oIs wA eWoman Tyrouble Ios Aw Weoman 6rouble ks x soman 6Trouble kIs xA sWoman T6rouble Iks Ax Wsoman
grouble 8s 2oman gTrouble 8Is 2Woman Tgrouble I8s W2oman rrouble us qoman rTrouble uIs qWoman Trrouble Ius Wqoman
Iss Wooman Touble I Wman Toruble Is Wmoan Tdouble Iz Wkman Tdrouble Izs Wkoman Trdouble Isz Wokman
T4ouble Iw W9man T4rouble Iws W9oman Tr4ouble Isw Wo9man Tgouble Id W0man Ids W0oman Trgouble Isd Wo0man
Ttouble Ie Wlman Ttrouble Ies Wloman Trtouble Ise Wolman T5ouble Ix Wiman Ixs Wioman Tr5ouble Isx Woiman
Tfouble Ia Womman Ias Woan Trfouble Isa Woamn Teouble Wojan Terouble Wojman Treouble Womjan
Troouble Wokan Truble Truoble Womkan Trkuble Wonan Trkouble Wonman Trokuble Womnan
Tr9uble Womaan Tr9ouble Womn Tro9uble Womna Tr0uble Womzn Tr0ouble Womzan Tro0uble Womazn
Trluble Womqn Trlouble Womqan Troluble Womaqn Triuble Womsn Triouble Womsan Troiuble Womasn
Trouuble Womwn

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