Time For Lovin'

Can I ask you for the time?
You see I've got this feeling that I've lost you.
It transcends reason and rhyme.
To make me kick myself for losing out on you.

All the clocks stop ticking
While the planets collide,
And the sun has burnt its last poor heart to ashes.
Darkness isn't so bad.
But I'll miss you while you are gone.

Mirror lyrics:

But I'll miss you while you are gone.
Darkness isn't so bad.
And the sun has burnt its last poor heart to ashes.
While the planets collide,
All the clocks stop ticking

To make me kick myself for losing out on you.
It transcends reason and rhyme.
You see I've got this feeling that I've lost you.
Can I ask you for the time?

Relevant Tags:
TTime FFor LLovin' ime or ovin' iTme oFr oLvin' fime cor kovin' fTime cFor kLovin' Tfime Fcor Lkovin' 5ime ror oovin'
5Time rFor oLovin' T5ime Fror Loovin' hime gor povin' hTime gFor pLovin' Thime Fgor Lpovin' yime tor yTime tFor Lvin'
Tyime Ftor Lvoin' 6ime vor Lkvin' 6Time vFor T6ime Fvor Lokvin' gime dor L9vin' gTime dFor L9ovin' Tgime Fdor Lo9vin'
rime Foor L0vin' rTime Fr L0ovin' Trime Fro Lo0vin' Tiime Fkr Llvin' Tme Fkor Llovin' Tmie Fokr Lolvin' Tjme F9r Livin'
Tjime F9or Liovin' Tijme Fo9r Loivin' T9me F0r Lovvin' T9ime F0or Loin' Ti9me Fo0r Loivn' Tlme Flr Lobin' Tlime Flor Lobvin'
Tilme Folr Lovbin' Tome Fir Locin' Toime Fior Locvin' Tiome Foir Lovcin' Tkme Forr Login' Tkime Fo Logvin' Tikme For Lovgin'

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