Matt Redman
If I Have Not Love

Jesus, I could sing
In the tongues of men and angels
But if I have not love
I am just a clanging cymbal, and empty sound

This is a love song
This is a love song
Jesus, a love song to You
A song of devotion, a reverent passion
Savior, a love song to You

Jesus, I could pray
With a faith that moves a mountain
But if I have not love
It is just a noise resounding, an empty sound

Chorus 2x

This is a love song to You
Hear our devotion


It's the overflow of hearts
As we gaze upon Your beauty
A reflection of Your worth
For we've seen a glimpse of You in Your glory, Lord

Mirror lyrics:

For we've seen a glimpse of You in Your glory, Lord
A reflection of Your worth
As we gaze upon Your beauty
It's the overflow of hearts


Hear our devotion
This is a love song to You

Chorus 2x

It is just a noise resounding, an empty sound
But if I have not love
With a faith that moves a mountain
Jesus, I could pray

Savior, a love song to You
A song of devotion, a reverent passion
Jesus, a love song to You
This is a love song
This is a love song

I am just a clanging cymbal, and empty sound
But if I have not love
In the tongues of men and angels
Jesus, I could sing

Relevant Tags:
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9f 9 uave hot oove 9If 9I uHave hNot oLove I9f I9 Huave Nhot Loove lf l nave jot pove lIf lI nHave jNot pLove Ilf Il Hnave Njot Lpove
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8f 8 yave Nkt L9ve 8If 8I yHave Nkot L9ove I8f I8 Hyave Nokt Lo9ve uf u Haave N9t L0ve uIf uI Hve N9ot L0ove Iuf Iu Hvae No9t Lo0ve
Iff Hzve N0t Llve I Hzave N0ot Llove If Hazve No0t Lolve Ic Hqve Nlt Live Icf Hqave Nlot Liove Ifc Haqve Nolt Loive
Ir Hsve Nit Lovve Irf Hsave Niot Loe Ifr Hasve Noit Loev Ig Hwve Nott Lobe Igf Hwave No Lobve Ifg Hawve Not Lovbe
It Hxve Nof Loce Itf Hxave Noft Locve Ift Haxve Notf Lovce

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