Matt Pokora
Do Anything (gogo Danseuse)

Ok, this how we do in 2010
Let's Go

I'm making your, You making my fantasy
The way I want, you want to do anything
For you're love girl I would do anything
Do anything
Do anything

Hey Sexy lady, I dig your style
Your Swag is vicious, and it's drive me wild
You seem kinda a like a superstar
But when you walk in the room they all wanna now who you are

There is nothing i want, more than want you in me
You can tell by the words i'm saying, ain't no lying in me
Sweetest skin (*by the skin my lady who your style ain't confused)
We can do anything my lady, just me and you

I'm making your, You making my fantasy
The way I want, you want to do anything
For you're love girl I would do anything
Do anything
Do anything

Ain't in no question girl 'bout you
You came and rock my world
For you're love girl I would do anything
Do anything
Do anything

Let's finished this round and
Deep out and deep out
Open my ride and
Get out and get out
Destination unknown, if we start up in here
Start up in here
Start up in here

There is nothing i want, more than want you in me
You can tell by the words i'm saying, ain't no lying in me
Sweetest skin (*by the skin my lady who your style ain't confused)
We can do anything my lady, just me and you

I'm making your, You making my fantasie
The way I want, you want to do anything
For you're love girl I would do anything
Do anything
Do anything

Ain't in no question girl 'bout you
You came and rock my world
For you're love girl I would do anything
Do anything
Do anything


I'm making your, You making my fantasie
The way I want, you want to do anything
For you're love girl I would do anything
Do anything
Do anything

Ain't in no question girl 'bout you
You came and rock my world
For you're love girl I would do anything
Do anything
Do anything

Mirror lyrics:

Do anything
Do anything
For you're love girl I would do anything
You came and rock my world
Ain't in no question girl 'bout you

Do anything
Do anything
For you're love girl I would do anything
The way I want, you want to do anything
I'm making your, You making my fantasie


Do anything
Do anything
For you're love girl I would do anything
You came and rock my world
Ain't in no question girl 'bout you

Do anything
Do anything
For you're love girl I would do anything
The way I want, you want to do anything
I'm making your, You making my fantasie

We can do anything my lady, just me and you
Sweetest skin (*by the skin my lady who your style ain't confused)
You can tell by the words i'm saying, ain't no lying in me
There is nothing i want, more than want you in me

Start up in here
Start up in here
Destination unknown, if we start up in here
Get out and get out
Open my ride and
Deep out and deep out
Let's finished this round and

Do anything
Do anything
For you're love girl I would do anything
You came and rock my world
Ain't in no question girl 'bout you

Do anything
Do anything
For you're love girl I would do anything
The way I want, you want to do anything
I'm making your, You making my fantasy

We can do anything my lady, just me and you
Sweetest skin (*by the skin my lady who your style ain't confused)
You can tell by the words i'm saying, ain't no lying in me
There is nothing i want, more than want you in me

But when you walk in the room they all wanna now who you are
You seem kinda a like a superstar
Your Swag is vicious, and it's drive me wild
Hey Sexy lady, I dig your style

Do anything
Do anything
For you're love girl I would do anything
The way I want, you want to do anything
I'm making your, You making my fantasy

Let's Go
Ok, this how we do in 2010

Relevant Tags:
DDo AAnything ((gogo DDanseuse) o nything gogo anseuse) oD nAything g(ogo aDnseuse) xo znything (ggogo xanseuse) xDo zAnything (ogo xDanseuse)
Dxo Aznything (oggo Dxanseuse) eo qnything (hogo eanseuse) eDo qAnything (hgogo eDanseuse) Deo Aqnything (ghogo Deanseuse) fo snything (yogo fanseuse)
fDo sAnything (ygogo fDanseuse) Dfo Asnything (gyogo Dfanseuse) ro wnything (bogo ranseuse) rDo wAnything (bgogo rDanseuse) Dro Awnything (gbogo Dranseuse)
co xnything (vogo canseuse) cDo xAnything (vgogo cDanseuse) Dco Axnything (gvogo Dcanseuse) so Annything (fogo sanseuse) sDo Aything (fgogo sDanseuse)
Dso Aynthing (gfogo Dsanseuse) Doo Amything (togo Daanseuse) D Amnything (tgogo Dnseuse) Do Anmything (gtogo Dnaseuse) Dk Ahything (googo Dznseuse)
Dko Ahnything (ggo Dzanseuse) Dok Anhything (ggoo Daznseuse) D9 Ajything (gkgo Dqnseuse) D9o Ajnything (gkogo Dqanseuse) Do9 Anjything (gokgo Daqnseuse)
D0 Abything (g9go Dsnseuse) D0o Abnything (g9ogo Do0 Anbything (go9go Dasnseuse) Dl Anyything (g0go Dwnseuse) Dlo Anthing (g0ogo Dwanseuse)
Dol Antyhing (go0go Dawnseuse) Di Angthing (glgo Dxnseuse) Dio Angything (glogo Doi Anygthing (golgo Daxnseuse) Anhthing (gigo Dannseuse)
(giogo Daseuse) Anyhthing (goigo Dasneuse) An6thing (goggo Damseuse) An6ything (goo Damnseuse) Any6thing (goog Danmseuse)
Anuthing (goho Dahseuse) Anuything (gohgo Dahnseuse) Anyuthing (gogho Danhseuse) An7thing (goyo Dajseuse) An7ything (goygo Dajnseuse)
Any7thing (gogyo Danjseuse) Anjthing (gobo Dabseuse) (gobgo Dabnseuse) Anyjthing (gogbo Danbseuse) Antthing (govo Dansseuse)
Antything (govgo Daneuse) Anytthing (gogvo Danesuse) (gofo Danzeuse) Anyhing (gofgo Danzseuse) Anyhting (gogfo Danszeuse)
Anyfhing (goto Danweuse) Anyfthing (gotgo Danwseuse) Anytfhing (gogto Dansweuse) Any5hing (gogoo Dandeuse) Any5thing (gog Dandseuse)
Anyt5hing (gogo Dansdeuse) Anyhhing (gogk Daneeuse) (gogko Daneseuse) Anythhing (gogok Danseeuse) Anyyhing (gog9 Danxeuse)
(gog9o Danxseuse) Anytyhing (gogo9 Dansxeuse) Any6hing (gog0 Danaeuse) (gog0o Danaseuse) Anyt6hing (gogo0 Dansaeuse)
Anyghing (gogl (goglo Dansuse) Anytghing (gogol Dansuese) Anyrhing (gogi Danssuse) Anyrthing (gogio
Anytrhing (gogoi Dansesuse)

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