Matt Willis
Goodbye Lucy

She bought a ticket from a dot com airline
Said I'm going away
Sat me down, said I'm sorry but I must go
Well, what could I say?

She's made up her mind and there's no need for me
She's already packed and ready to leave

Goodbye to Lucy, she's going away (she's been waiting so long)
Goodbye to Lucy, she'll be okay (I'll be lost when she's gone)
And I can't believe I thought that she would stay
And now she's not coming back again

Said goodbye to her friends, left her day job, her mum and her dad
Waved her off from the window at the airport, they tell me it's just a fad
I know that this ain't good, I would go if I could
You never gave me the choice
So I must say goodbye, she'll go with every guy
I hear it all in her voice

This is not about you, this is all about me
You've gotta give me some time, maybe permanently

Goodbye to Lucy, she's going away (she's been waiting so long)
Goodbye to Lucy, she'll be okay (I'll be lost when she's gone)
And I can't believe I thought that she would stay

She said, "I'm done, I'm bored of ordinary
Don't want to be your secretary
Don't want to live this small time life with you"

I know you said i'm a joke cause your always complaining
You'll never leave, anyway when it's raining
Hope that one day I'll feel this way too

Goodbye to Lucy, she's going away
Goodbye to Lucy, she'll be okay
Goodbye to Lucy, she's going away (she's been waiting so long)
Goodbye to Lucy, she'll be okay (I'll be lost when she's gone)
Goodbye to Lucy (goodbye to Lucy), she's going away (she's been waiting so long)
Goodbye to Lucy (goodbye to Lucy), she'll be okay (I'll be lost when she's gone)
And I can't believe I thought that she would stay

Mirror lyrics:

And I can't believe I thought that she would stay
Goodbye to Lucy (goodbye to Lucy), she'll be okay (I'll be lost when she's gone)
Goodbye to Lucy (goodbye to Lucy), she's going away (she's been waiting so long)
Goodbye to Lucy, she'll be okay (I'll be lost when she's gone)
Goodbye to Lucy, she's going away (she's been waiting so long)
Goodbye to Lucy, she'll be okay
Goodbye to Lucy, she's going away

Hope that one day I'll feel this way too
You'll never leave, anyway when it's raining
I know you said i'm a joke cause your always complaining

Don't want to live this small time life with you"
Don't want to be your secretary
She said, "I'm done, I'm bored of ordinary

And I can't believe I thought that she would stay
Goodbye to Lucy, she'll be okay (I'll be lost when she's gone)
Goodbye to Lucy, she's going away (she's been waiting so long)

You've gotta give me some time, maybe permanently
This is not about you, this is all about me

I hear it all in her voice
So I must say goodbye, she'll go with every guy
You never gave me the choice
I know that this ain't good, I would go if I could
Waved her off from the window at the airport, they tell me it's just a fad
Said goodbye to her friends, left her day job, her mum and her dad

And now she's not coming back again
And I can't believe I thought that she would stay
Goodbye to Lucy, she'll be okay (I'll be lost when she's gone)
Goodbye to Lucy, she's going away (she's been waiting so long)

She's already packed and ready to leave
She's made up her mind and there's no need for me

Well, what could I say?
Sat me down, said I'm sorry but I must go
Said I'm going away
She bought a ticket from a dot com airline

Relevant Tags:
GGoodbye LLucy oodbye ucy oGodbye uLcy hoodbye kucy hGoodbye kLucy Ghoodbye Lkucy yoodbye oucy yGoodbye oLucy Gyoodbye Loucy
boodbye pucy bGoodbye pLucy Gboodbye Lpucy voodbye Luucy vGoodbye Lcy Gvoodbye Lcuy foodbye Lhcy fGoodbye Lhucy Gfoodbye Luhcy
toodbye L7cy tGoodbye L7ucy Gtoodbye Lu7cy Gooodbye Lkcy Godbye Goodbye Lukcy Gkodbye Licy Gkoodbye Liucy Gokodbye Luicy
G9odbye L8cy G9oodbye L8ucy Go9odbye Lu8cy G0odbye Ljcy G0oodbye Ljucy Go0odbye Lujcy Glodbye Lycy Gloodbye Lyucy Golodbye Luycy
Giodbye Luccy Gioodbye Luy Goiodbye Luyc Lufy Lufcy Godobye Lucfy Gokdbye Luxy Luxcy Gookdbye Lucxy
Go9dbye Luvy Luvcy Goo9dbye Lucvy Go0dbye Ludy Ludcy Goo0dbye Lucdy Goldbye Lucyy Luc Gooldbye Lucy
Goidbye Lucg Lucgy Gooidbye Lucyg Gooddbye Luch Goobye Luchy Goobdye Lucyh Gooxbye Luc6 Gooxdbye Luc6y Goodxbye Lucy6
Gooebye Lucu Gooedbye Lucuy Goodebye Lucyu

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