Merle Haggard
What Am I Gonna Do (with The Rest Of My Life)

(Merle Haggard)

I can make it for a day or two without you
And maybe I can make it through the night
I can smoke I can drink and probably be alright until morning
But what am I gonna do with the rest of my life.

I've got things that I can do
I've got places I can go to this evening
I've got whiskey I can drink
That'll help me not to think about you leaving
Yes I can smoke and I can drink
Probably be alright till morning
But what am I gonna do with the rest of my life.

--- Instrumental ---

I've got things that I can do
I've got places I can go to this evening
I've got whiskey I can drink
That'll help me not to think about you leaving
Yes I can smoke and I can drink
Probably be alright till morning
But what am I gonna do with the rest of my life.

But what am I gonna do with the rest of my life...

Mirror lyrics:

But what am I gonna do with the rest of my life...

But what am I gonna do with the rest of my life.
Probably be alright till morning
Yes I can smoke and I can drink
That'll help me not to think about you leaving
I've got whiskey I can drink
I've got places I can go to this evening
I've got things that I can do

--- Instrumental ---

But what am I gonna do with the rest of my life.
Probably be alright till morning
Yes I can smoke and I can drink
That'll help me not to think about you leaving
I've got whiskey I can drink
I've got places I can go to this evening
I've got things that I can do

But what am I gonna do with the rest of my life.
I can smoke I can drink and probably be alright until morning
And maybe I can make it through the night
I can make it for a day or two without you

(Merle Haggard)

Relevant Tags:
WWhat AAm II GGonna DDo ((with TThe RRest OOf MMy LLife) hat m onna o with he est f y ife) hWat mA I oGnna oD w(ith hTe eRst fO yM iLfe)
ahat zm j honna xo (wwith fhe dest kf jy kife) aWhat zAm jI hGonna xDo (ith fThe dRest kOf jMy kLife) Wahat Azm Ij Ghonna Dxo (iwth Tfhe Rdest Okf Mjy Lkife)
3hat qm 9 yonna eo (aith 5he 4est 9f ky oife) 3What qAm 9I yGonna eDo (awith 5The 4Rest 9Of kMy oLife) W3hat Aqm I9 Gyonna Deo (waith T5he R4est O9f Mky Loife)
dhat sm l bonna fo (3ith hhe gest 0f ny pife) dWhat sAm lI bGonna fDo (3with hThe gRest 0Of nMy pLife) Wdhat Asm Il Gbonna Dfo (w3ith Thhe Rgest O0f Mny Lpife)
ehat wm o vonna ro (dith yhe test lf Myy Liife) eWhat wAm oI vGonna rDo (dwith yThe tRest lOf M Lfe) Wehat Awm Io Gvonna Dro (wdith Tyhe Rtest Olf My Lfie)
shat xm k fonna co (eith 6he 5est if Mg Ljfe) sWhat xAm kI fGonna cDo (ewith 6The 5Rest iOf Mgy Ljife) Wshat Axm Ik Gfonna Dco (weith T6he R5est Oif Myg Lijfe)
2hat Amm 8 tonna so (sith ghe fest Off Mh L9fe) 2What A 8I tGonna sDo (swith gThe fRest O Mhy L9ife) W2hat Am I8 Gtonna Dso (wsith Tghe Rfest Of Myh Li9fe)
qhat Aj u Goonna Doo (2ith rhe eest Oc M6 Llfe) qWhat Ajm uI Gnna D (2with rThe eRest Ocf M6y Llife) Wqhat Amj Iu Gnona Do (w2ith Trhe Reest Ofc My6 Lilfe)
Whhat Ak Gknna Dk (qith Or Mu Lofe) Wat Akm Gkonna Dko (qwith Te Rst Orf Muy Waht Amk Goknna Dok (wqith Teh Rset Ofr Myu Liofe)
Wjat An G9nna D9 (wiith Tje Rsst Og M7 Lkfe) Wjhat Anm G9onna D9o (wth Tjhe Rsest Ogf M7y Whjat Amn Go9nna Do9 (wtih Thje Resst Ofg My7 Likfe)
Wuat G0nna D0 (wjth Tue R3st Ot Mj L8fe) Wuhat G0onna D0o (wjith Tuhe R3est Otf L8ife) Whuat Go0nna Do0 (wijth Thue Re3st Oft Myj Li8fe)
Wnat Glnna Dl (w9th Tne Rfst Ov Mt Lufe) Wnhat Glonna Dlo (w9ith Tnhe Ovf Mty Luife) Whnat Golnna Dol (wi9th Thne Refst Ofv Myt Liufe)
Wbat Ginna Di (wlth Tbe Rrst Od Liffe) Wbhat Gionna Dio (wlith Tbhe Rrest Odf Lie) Whbat Goinna Doi (wilth Thbe Rerst Ofd Lief)
Wgat Gonnna (woth Tge R4st Lice) Wghat Gona (woith Licfe) Whgat Gonna (wioth Thge Re4st Lifce)
Wyat Gomna (wkth Tye Rdst Lire) Wyhat Gomnna (wkith Lirfe) Whyat Gonmna (wikth Thye Redst Lifre)
Whaat Gohna (w8th Thee Rwst Lige) Wht Gohnna (w8ith Th Rwest Ligfe)

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