Merle Haggard
Stop The World And Let Me Off

(Carl Belew - W.S. Stevenson)

Hey, stop the world and let me off
I'm tired of going round and round
I've played the game of love and lost
Hey, stop the world and let me off.

My dreams are shattered don't you see
'Cause you no longer care for me
I miss the wonder of your kiss
Why did you leave me here like this.

Hey, stop the world and let me off
I'm tired of going round and round
I've played the game of love and lost
Hey, stop the world and let me off.

--- Instrumental ---

My dreams are shattered can't you see
'Cause you no longer care for me
I miss the wonder of your kiss
How come you left me here like this.

Hey, stop the world and let me off
I'm tired of going round and round
I've played the game of love and lost
Hey, stop the world and let me off...

--- Instrumental to fade ---

Mirror lyrics:

--- Instrumental to fade ---

Hey, stop the world and let me off...
I've played the game of love and lost
I'm tired of going round and round
Hey, stop the world and let me off

How come you left me here like this.
I miss the wonder of your kiss
'Cause you no longer care for me
My dreams are shattered can't you see

--- Instrumental ---

Hey, stop the world and let me off.
I've played the game of love and lost
I'm tired of going round and round
Hey, stop the world and let me off

Why did you leave me here like this.
I miss the wonder of your kiss
'Cause you no longer care for me
My dreams are shattered don't you see

Hey, stop the world and let me off.
I've played the game of love and lost
I'm tired of going round and round
Hey, stop the world and let me off

(Carl Belew - W.S. Stevenson)

Relevant Tags:
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Sztop Tfhe Waorld Aznd Lket Mje Okff wtop 5he 3orld qnd oet ke 9ff wStop 5The 3World qAnd oLet kMe 9Off Swtop T5he W3orld Aqnd Loet Mke O9ff dtop hhe dorld snd pet ne 0ff
dStop hThe dWorld sAnd pLet nMe 0Off Sdtop Thhe Wdorld Asnd Lpet Mne O0ff etop yhe eorld wnd Leet Mee lff eStop yThe eWorld wAnd Lt M lOff Setop Tyhe Weorld Awnd Lte Me Olff
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Satop Tghe W2orld Adn Le3t Me3 Off Sttop rhe qorld Amd Lft Mf Ocf Sop rThe qWorld Amnd Lfet Mfe Ocff Sotp Trhe Wqorld Anmd Left Mef Ofcf Sfop Woorld Ahd Lrt Mr Orf
Sftop Te Wrld Ahnd Lret Mre Orff Stfop Teh Wrold Anhd Lert Mer Ofrf S5op Tje Wkrld Ajd L4t M4 Ogf S5top Tjhe Wkorld Ajnd L4et M4e Ogff St5op Thje Wokrld Anjd Le4t Me4 Ofgf
Shop Tue W9rld Abd Ldt Md Otf Shtop Tuhe W9orld Abnd Ldet Mde Otff Sthop Thue Wo9rld Anbd Ledt Med Oftf Syop Tne W0rld Andd Lwt Mw Ovf Sytop Tnhe W0orld An Lwet Mwe Ovff
Styop Thne Wo0rld And Lewt Mew Ofvf S6op Tbe Wlrld Anx Lett Odf S6top Tbhe Wlorld Anxd Le Odff St6op Thbe Wolrld Andx Let Ofdf Sgop Tge Wirld Ane Lef
Sgtop Wiorld Aned Stgop Thge Woirld Ande Letf Srop Tye Worrld Anf Le5 Ofc Srtop Wold Anfd Le5t Strop Thye Wolrd Andf Let5 Offc
Stoop Thee Wodld Anr Leh Ofr Stp Th Wodrld Anrd Leht Stpo The Wordld Andr Leth Offr Stkp Ths Wo4ld Anc Ley Ofg Stkop Thse Wo4rld Ancd Leyt

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