Merle Haggard
So Long Train Whistle

(Dave Kirby - Lew Quadling)

Daddy's been a railroad man
Since he was twenty-one
Two yers of Britty ship
Beakmen on the Denver run.

Thirty he made fireman
Thirty-five an engineer
Now at sixty-five
He's reached the end of his career.

Daddy said he's glad it's over
But he ain't foolin' me
Last night I overheard him singing
This sad old melody.

So long train whistle
So long hmm-hmm
This near generation
Has no need for you or I.

We both served the nation
Long before it learned to fly
Nothing last forever
Now it's our turn to die.

Lord hear that whistle cry.

Daddy's not the only one
The railroad lines are fired
And New York Central Limited
Long since been retired.

The Chief is gone from Santa Fe
The SP Lark as well
I'm soon to rest to leave the rails
Lord only time you tell.

I know that you can't stop progress
New things happen every day
We gonna mourn that lonely whistle
If it finally fades away.

So long train whistle.
So long hmm-hmm
This near generation
Has no need for you or I.

Mhm mhm hear that whistle cry, mhm mhm...

Mirror lyrics:

Mhm mhm hear that whistle cry, mhm mhm...

Has no need for you or I.
This near generation
So long hmm-hmm
So long train whistle.

If it finally fades away.
We gonna mourn that lonely whistle
New things happen every day
I know that you can't stop progress

Lord only time you tell.
I'm soon to rest to leave the rails
The SP Lark as well
The Chief is gone from Santa Fe

Long since been retired.
And New York Central Limited
The railroad lines are fired
Daddy's not the only one

Lord hear that whistle cry.

Now it's our turn to die.
Nothing last forever
Long before it learned to fly
We both served the nation

Has no need for you or I.
This near generation
So long hmm-hmm
So long train whistle

This sad old melody.
Last night I overheard him singing
But he ain't foolin' me
Daddy said he's glad it's over

He's reached the end of his career.
Now at sixty-five
Thirty-five an engineer
Thirty he made fireman

Beakmen on the Denver run.
Two yers of Britty ship
Since he was twenty-one
Daddy's been a railroad man

(Dave Kirby - Lew Quadling)

Relevant Tags:
SSo LLong TTrain WWhistle o ong rain histle oS oLng rTain hWistle zo kong frain ahistle zSo kLong fTrain aWhistle Szo Lkong Tfrain Wahistle
wo oong 5rain 3histle wSo oLong 5Train 3Whistle Swo Loong T5rain W3histle do pong hrain dhistle dSo pLong hTrain dWhistle Sdo Lpong Thrain Wdhistle
eo yrain ehistle eSo Lng yTrain eWhistle Seo Lnog Tyrain Wehistle xo Lkng 6rain shistle xSo 6Train sWhistle Sxo Lokng T6rain Wshistle
ao L9ng grain 2histle aSo L9ong gTrain 2Whistle Sao Lo9ng Tgrain W2histle Soo L0ng rrain qhistle S L0ong rTrain qWhistle So Lo0ng Trrain Wqhistle
Sk Llng Whhistle Sko Llong Tain Wistle Sok Lolng Tarin Wihstle S9 Ling Tdain Wjistle S9o Liong Tdrain Wjhistle So9 Loing Trdain Whjistle
S0 Lonng T4ain Wuistle S0o Log T4rain Wuhistle So0 Logn Tr4ain Whuistle Sl Lomg Tgain Wnistle Slo Lomng Wnhistle Sol Lonmg Trgain Whnistle
Si Lohg Ttain Wbistle Sio Lohng Ttrain Wbhistle Soi Lonhg Trtain Whbistle Lojg T5ain Wgistle Lojng Wghistle Lonjg Tr5ain Whgistle
Lobg Tfain Wyistle Lobng Wyhistle Lonbg Trfain Whyistle Longg Teain Whiistle Lon Terain Whstle Long Treain Whsitle
Lonh Traain Whjstle Trin Longh Trian Whijstle Lony Trzin Wh9stle Lonyg Trzain Wh9istle Longy Trazin Whi9stle
Lonb Trqin Whlstle Trqain Whlistle Longb Traqin Whilstle Lonv Trsin Whostle Lonvg Trsain Whoistle Longv Trasin Whiostle
Lonf Trwin Whkstle Lonfg Trwain Whkistle Longf Trawin Whikstle Lont Trxin Wh8stle Lontg Trxain Wh8istle Longt Traxin Whi8stle
Traiin Whustle Tran Trani Whiustle Trajn Whisstle Trajin Whitle Traijn Whitsle
Tra9n Whiztle Tra9in Whizstle

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