Merle Haggard
No Reason To Quit

(Dean Holloway)

There's a circle of people where I'm no longer welcome
I'm ashamed to say that I'm no longer fit
I could sober up tomorrow and face my friends again
But I've got no reason to quit.

I've got no reason for living right
And there's no other way to forget
I know down deep inside me I'm man enough to change
But I've got no reason to quit.

--- Instrumental ---

I've got no reason for living right
And there's no other way to forget
I know down deep inside me I'm man enough to change
But I've got no reason to quit.

No, I've got no reason to quit...

Mirror lyrics:

No, I've got no reason to quit...

But I've got no reason to quit.
I know down deep inside me I'm man enough to change
And there's no other way to forget
I've got no reason for living right

--- Instrumental ---

But I've got no reason to quit.
I know down deep inside me I'm man enough to change
And there's no other way to forget
I've got no reason for living right

But I've got no reason to quit.
I could sober up tomorrow and face my friends again
I'm ashamed to say that I'm no longer fit
There's a circle of people where I'm no longer welcome

(Dean Holloway)

Relevant Tags:
NNo RReason TTo QQuit o eason o uit oN eRason oT uQit mo deason fo auit mNo dReason fTo aQuit Nmo Rdeason Tfo Qauit
ho 4eason 5o 2uit hNo 4Reason 5To 2Quit Nho R4eason T5o Q2uit jo geason ho wuit jNo gReason hTo wQuit Njo Rgeason Tho Qwuit
bo teason yo suit bNo tReason yTo sQuit Nbo Rteason Tyo Qsuit Noo 5eason 6o 1uit N 5Reason 6To 1Quit No R5eason T6o Q1uit
Nk feason go Quuit Nko fReason gTo Qit Nok Rfeason Tgo Qiut N9 eeason ro Qhit N9o eReason rTo Qhuit No9 Reeason Tro Quhit
N0 Too Q7it N0o Rason T Q7uit No0 Raeson To Qu7it Nl Rsason Tk Qkit Nlo Rseason Tko Qkuit Nol Resason Tok Qukit
Ni R3ason T9 Qiit Nio R3eason T9o Qiuit Noi Re3ason To9 Quiit Rfason T0 Q8it T0o Q8uit Refason To0 Qu8it
Rrason Tl Qjit Rreason Tlo Qjuit Rerason Tol Qujit R4ason Ti Qyit Tio Qyuit Re4ason Toi Quyit
Rdason Qut Redason Quti Rwason Qujt Rweason Rewason Quijt
Reaason Qu9t Reson Qu9it Resaon Qui9t Rezson Qult Rezason Qulit Reazson Quilt
Reqson Quot

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