Merle Haggard
Intro To Blue Rock

Hey, right now we'd like to feature all the Strangers
With an instrumental they wrote especially for this album
One called Blue Rock and here's Roy Nichols to kick it off
It goes like.

Mirror lyrics:

It goes like.
One called Blue Rock and here's Roy Nichols to kick it off
With an instrumental they wrote especially for this album
Hey, right now we'd like to feature all the Strangers

Relevant Tags:
IIntro TTo BBlue RRock ntro o lue ock nItro oT lBue oRck jntro fo vlue dock jIntro fTo vBlue dRock Ijntro Tfo Bvlue Rdock
9ntro 5o glue 4ock 9Intro 5To gBlue 4Rock I9ntro T5o Bglue R4ock lntro ho nlue gock lIntro hTo nBlue gRock Ilntro Tho Bnlue Rgock
ontro yo hlue tock oIntro yTo hBlue tRock Iontro Tyo Bhlue Rtock kntro 6o Bllue 5ock kIntro 6To Bue 5Rock Ikntro T6o Bule R5ock
8ntro go Bkue fock 8Intro gTo Bklue fRock I8ntro Tgo Blkue Rfock untro ro Boue eock uIntro rTo Bolue eRock Iuntro Tro Bloue Reock
Inntro Too Bpue Roock Itro T Bplue Rck Itnro To Blpue Rcok Imtro Tk Bluue Rkck Imntro Tko Ble Rkock Inmtro Tok Bleu Rokck
Ihtro T9 Blhe R9ck Ihntro T9o Blhue R9ock Inhtro To9 Bluhe Ro9ck Ijtro T0 Bl7e R0ck T0o Bl7ue R0ock Injtro To0 Blu7e Ro0ck
Ibtro Tl Blke Rlck Ibntro Tlo Rlock Inbtro Tol Bluke Rolck Inttro Ti Blie Rick Inro Tio Bliue Riock Inrto Toi Bluie Roick
Infro Bl8e Rocck Inftro Bl8ue Rok Intfro Blu8e Rokc In5ro Blje Rofk In5tro Bljue Rofck Int5ro Bluje Rocfk
Inhro Blye Roxk

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