Meshell Ndegeocello
Hot Night

Angela Davis: "I was a member of the communist party.
I'm not a member of the communist party,
anymore - but I consider myself very much a socialist.
So we'll get to that later."

Let's go
Angela Davis: "One of the reasons why the war in Vietnam
was able to happen as long as it did - was because
this - of this fear of communism.
And people pointed to the Vietnamese as their enemy.
As if somehow or another, if the country defeated the
communist enemy in Vietnam, things were gonna be okay at home."

But it's a hot night
Let's talk about the sign o' the times
In the fight of a revolutionary soul singer

It's a hot night
Head down to the club
For pina coladas
Without the alcohol
And let's talk about the world y'all.

Angela Davis: "And now of course,
that the welfare system has been disestablished - and
there are no jobs, so to speak - for,
for women who are told, that if they don't work.
.. they can only get welfare for a certain period of
time and then they have to find a job.
Now they haven't had the opportunity to go to an institution
like this. They may not have the skills.
Where are they going to find a job?
And if they have children,
how are they going to pay for childcare,
in order to guarantee the conditions which will allow them to work?"

Mirror lyrics:

in order to guarantee the conditions which will allow them to work?"
how are they going to pay for childcare,
And if they have children,
Where are they going to find a job?
like this. They may not have the skills.
Now they haven't had the opportunity to go to an institution
time and then they have to find a job.
.. they can only get welfare for a certain period of
for women who are told, that if they don't work.
there are no jobs, so to speak - for,
that the welfare system has been disestablished - and
Angela Davis: "And now of course,

And let's talk about the world y'all.
Without the alcohol
For pina coladas
Head down to the club
It's a hot night

In the fight of a revolutionary soul singer
Let's talk about the sign o' the times
But it's a hot night

communist enemy in Vietnam, things were gonna be okay at home."
As if somehow or another, if the country defeated the
And people pointed to the Vietnamese as their enemy.
this - of this fear of communism.
was able to happen as long as it did - was because
Angela Davis: "One of the reasons why the war in Vietnam
Let's go

So we'll get to that later."
anymore - but I consider myself very much a socialist.
I'm not a member of the communist party,
Angela Davis: "I was a member of the communist party.

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