Matt Bianco
What A Fool Believes

He came from somewhere
Back in her long ago
The sentimental fool don't see
Trying hard to recreate
What has yet to be created
Once in her life

She musters a smile
For this nostalgic tale
Never coming near
What he wanted to say
Only to realize
It never really was

She had a place in his life
He never made her think twice
As he rises to her apology
Anybody else would surely know
He watches her go

But what a fool believes
He sees
No wise man has the power
To reason away
What seems to be
It's always better than nothing
Than nothing at all
Keep sending him

Somewhere back in her long ago
Where he can still believe
There's a place in her life
Some day and somewhere
She will return

Somewhere back in her long ago
Where he can still believe
There's a place in her life
Some day and somewhere
She will return

But what a fool believes he sees
No wise man has the power
To reason away
What seems to be
It's always better than nothing
Than nothing at all

But what a fool believes he sees
No wise man has the power
To reason away
What seems to be
It's always better than nothing
Than nothing at all

Mirror lyrics:

Than nothing at all
It's always better than nothing
What seems to be
To reason away
No wise man has the power
But what a fool believes he sees

Than nothing at all
It's always better than nothing
What seems to be
To reason away
No wise man has the power
But what a fool believes he sees

She will return
Some day and somewhere
There's a place in her life
Where he can still believe
Somewhere back in her long ago

She will return
Some day and somewhere
There's a place in her life
Where he can still believe
Somewhere back in her long ago

Keep sending him
Than nothing at all
It's always better than nothing
What seems to be
To reason away
No wise man has the power
He sees
But what a fool believes

He watches her go
Anybody else would surely know
As he rises to her apology
He never made her think twice
She had a place in his life

It never really was
Only to realize
What he wanted to say
Never coming near
For this nostalgic tale
She musters a smile

Once in her life
What has yet to be created
Trying hard to recreate
The sentimental fool don't see
Back in her long ago
He came from somewhere

Relevant Tags:
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ehat w tool helieves eWhat wA tFool hBelieves Wehat Aw Ftool Bhelieves shat x vool Beelieves sWhat xA vFool Blieves Wshat Ax Fvool Bleieves
2hat dool Bslieves 2What dFool Bselieves W2hat Fdool Beslieves qhat Foool B3lieves qWhat Fol B3elieves Wqhat Fool Be3lieves
Whhat Fkol Bflieves Wat Fkool Bfelieves Waht Fokol Beflieves Wjat F9ol Brlieves Wjhat F9ool Brelieves Whjat Fo9ol Berlieves
Wuat F0ol B4lieves Wuhat F0ool B4elieves Whuat Fo0ol Be4lieves Wnat Flol Bdlieves Wnhat Flool Bdelieves Whnat Folol Bedlieves
Wbat Fiol Bwlieves Wbhat Fiool Bwelieves Whbat Foiol Bewlieves Wgat Bellieves Wghat Beieves Whgat Folo Beileves
Wyat Fokl Bekieves Wyhat Beklieves Whyat Fookl Belkieves Whaat Fo9l Beoieves Wht Beolieves Whta Foo9l Beloieves
Whzt Fo0l Bepieves Whzat Beplieves Whazt Foo0l Belpieves Whqt Foll Beliieves Whqat Beleves Whaqt Fooll Beleives
Whst Foil Beljeves Whsat Beljieves Whast Fooil Belijeves Whwt Bel9eves Whwat Foo Bel9ieves Whawt Beli9eves
Whxt Fook Belleves Whxat Whaxt Foolk Belileves Whatt Fooo Beloeves Wha What Foolo Belioeves
Whaf Foop Belkeves Whaft Foopl Whatf Foolp Belikeves Wha5 Bel8eves Wha5t Bel8ieves What5 Beli8eves
Whah Belueves Whaht Beluieves Whath Beliueves

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