Mates Of State

Yeah, it hardly matters
This sickness is killing my will
It does not matter
Tablets are full

But let's unravel the edge of time
Where proofs and postulations rise

It doesn't matter what might come true
It's simple enough to try
It hardly matters, it does not matter

But let's unravel the edge of time
Where proofs and postulations rise

Mirror lyrics:

Where proofs and postulations rise
But let's unravel the edge of time

It hardly matters, it does not matter
It's simple enough to try
It doesn't matter what might come true

Where proofs and postulations rise
But let's unravel the edge of time

Tablets are full
It does not matter
This sickness is killing my will
Yeah, it hardly matters

Relevant Tags:
PProofs roofs rPoofs 0roofs 0Proofs P0roofs lroofs lProofs Plroofs oroofs oProofs
Poroofs Prroofs Poofs Porofs Pdoofs Pdroofs Prdoofs P4oofs P4roofs Pr4oofs Pgoofs
Pgroofs Prgoofs Ptoofs Ptroofs Prtoofs P5oofs P5roofs Pr5oofs Pfoofs Pfroofs Prfoofs
Peoofs Peroofs Preoofs Prooofs Profs Proofs Prkofs Prkoofs Prokofs Pr9ofs Pr9oofs
Pro9ofs Pr0ofs Pr0oofs Pro0ofs Prlofs Prloofs Prolofs Priofs Prioofs

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