Matchbox Twenty
Suffer Me

she wanted something just like the real thing
he needed love and it all worked out some how
he knows that love is the king of emotion
but he can't touch her because she's too perfect now

but she wasn't like that then and
he wasn't like that then
they were everything, everything they need

suffer me
call on me and i, i'll call on you
suffer me
call on me and i, I'll call on you, call on you

she wasn't thinking about anyone else just then
but she knew someone else would always come to mind
because they were strangers living in the feeling
they were scared when they heard they talked about love

but it wasn't like that then
it just wasn't like that then
they took everything because everything was for real

repeat chorus

oh yes they were thinning out
at that moment they were all afraid
started thinking that pretty soon one of them would leave
she said suffer me

repeat chorus twice

Mirror lyrics:

repeat chorus twice

she said suffer me
started thinking that pretty soon one of them would leave
at that moment they were all afraid
oh yes they were thinning out

repeat chorus

they took everything because everything was for real
it just wasn't like that then
but it wasn't like that then

they were scared when they heard they talked about love
because they were strangers living in the feeling
but she knew someone else would always come to mind
she wasn't thinking about anyone else just then

call on me and i, I'll call on you, call on you
suffer me
call on me and i, i'll call on you
suffer me

they were everything, everything they need
he wasn't like that then
but she wasn't like that then and

but he can't touch her because she's too perfect now
he knows that love is the king of emotion
he needed love and it all worked out some how
she wanted something just like the real thing

Relevant Tags:
SSuffer MMe uffer e uSffer eM zuffer je zSuffer jMe Szuffer Mje wuffer ke wSuffer kMe Swuffer Mke duffer ne dSuffer nMe
Sduffer Mne euffer Mee eSuffer M Seuffer Me xuffer Ms xSuffer Mse Sxuffer Mes auffer M3 aSuffer M3e Sauffer Me3 Suuffer Mf
Sffer Mfe Sfufer Mef Shffer Mr Shuffer Mre Suhffer Mer S7ffer M4 S7uffer M4e Su7ffer Me4 Skffer Md Skuffer Mde Sukffer Med
Siffer Mw Siuffer Mwe Suiffer Mew S8ffer S8uffer Su8ffer Sjffer Sjuffer Sujffer Syffer Syuffer
Suyffer Sufffer Sufer Suffer Sucfer Sucffer Sufcfer Surfer Surffer Sufrfer Sugfer
Sugffer Sufgfer Sutfer Sutffer

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