Matchbox Romance
Lovers & Liars

Let's start out by starting over.
What did I expect?
You're no good at lying and I'm no good at comebacks.
You're so untouchable.
I'm oh-so-terrible at this.
I'm terrible at this, you know.

Don't hold this against me.
I've already said I'm sorry.

And I bet you've got every word I said memorized in your head.
And you'll use every one of them against me.

Don't hold this against me.
I've already said I'm sorry.
Tell all your friends about me.
Don't hold this against me.
I've already said I'm sorry.

I hope you choke on every word you spoke when you were screaming at me.
And realize how many times I've tried, but that's wishful thinking.
All I want is an apology for what you did and how you treated me.
Get me far away, or at least as far as this car will take me.
Tell all your friends about me.

Don't hold this against me.
I've already said I'm sorry.
Don't hold this against me.
I've already said I'm sorry.

Mirror lyrics:

I've already said I'm sorry.
Don't hold this against me.
I've already said I'm sorry.
Don't hold this against me.

Tell all your friends about me.
Get me far away, or at least as far as this car will take me.
All I want is an apology for what you did and how you treated me.
And realize how many times I've tried, but that's wishful thinking.
I hope you choke on every word you spoke when you were screaming at me.

I've already said I'm sorry.
Don't hold this against me.
Tell all your friends about me.
I've already said I'm sorry.
Don't hold this against me.

And you'll use every one of them against me.
And I bet you've got every word I said memorized in your head.

I've already said I'm sorry.
Don't hold this against me.

I'm terrible at this, you know.
I'm oh-so-terrible at this.
You're so untouchable.
You're no good at lying and I'm no good at comebacks.
What did I expect?
Let's start out by starting over.

Relevant Tags:
LLovers && LLiars overs iars oLvers & iLars kovers kiars kLovers kLiars Lkovers Lkiars oovers oiars oLovers oLiars
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Logvers Lizars Lovgers Liazrs Lofers Liqrs Lofvers Liqars Lovfers Liaqrs Loveers Lisrs Lovrs Lisars Lovres Liasrs
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