Love That Will Survive

All my life, I've been lookin' for something
Standing in line, oooh waiting for my time
Searchin' for the real thing, it's hard to believe
So many people that are broken-hearted, waiting to see
I don't wanna talk about it, don't wanna play those games
Those days are gone

I found a love that will survive, I found a love
I found a love that lasts forever

Always the same, seldom a victory
It's a give and take, but we never receive
But my heart's like a fire, waiting to burn
Like the mind of a young boy, wanting to learn
What happens to a good thing, ya know it always goes bad
It's not love that I have

I found a love that will survive, I found a love, I found a love
I found a love that lasts forever, a love that lasts forever
I found a love

(Repeat Chorus)

Mirror lyrics:

(Repeat Chorus)

I found a love
I found a love that lasts forever, a love that lasts forever
I found a love that will survive, I found a love, I found a love

It's not love that I have
What happens to a good thing, ya know it always goes bad
Like the mind of a young boy, wanting to learn
But my heart's like a fire, waiting to burn
It's a give and take, but we never receive
Always the same, seldom a victory

I found a love that lasts forever
I found a love that will survive, I found a love

Those days are gone
I don't wanna talk about it, don't wanna play those games
So many people that are broken-hearted, waiting to see
Searchin' for the real thing, it's hard to believe
Standing in line, oooh waiting for my time
All my life, I've been lookin' for something

Relevant Tags:
LLove TThat WWill SSurvive ove hat ill urvive oLve hTat iWll uSrvive kove fhat aill zurvive kLove fThat aWill zSurvive Lkove Tfhat Waill Szurvive
oove 5hat 3ill wurvive oLove 5That 3Will wSurvive Loove T5hat W3ill Swurvive pove hhat dill durvive pLove hThat dWill dSurvive Lpove Thhat Wdill Sdurvive
yhat eill eurvive Lve yThat eWill eSurvive Lvoe Tyhat Weill Seurvive Lkve 6hat sill xurvive 6That sWill xSurvive Lokve T6hat Wsill Sxurvive
L9ve ghat 2ill aurvive L9ove gThat 2Will aSurvive Lo9ve Tghat W2ill Saurvive L0ve rhat qill Suurvive L0ove rThat qWill Srvive Lo0ve Trhat Wqill Sruvive
Llve Wiill Shrvive Llove Tat Wll Shurvive Lolve Taht Wlil Suhrvive Live Tjat Wjll S7rvive Liove Tjhat Wjill S7urvive Loive Thjat Wijll Su7rvive
Lovve Tuat W9ll Skrvive Loe Tuhat W9ill Skurvive Loev Thuat Wi9ll Sukrvive Lobe Tnat Wlll Sirvive Lobve Tnhat Wlill Siurvive Lovbe Thnat Willl Suirvive
Loce Tbat Woll S8rvive Locve Tbhat Woill S8urvive Lovce Thbat Wioll Su8rvive Loge Tgat Wkll Sjrvive Logve Wkill Sjurvive Lovge Thgat Wikll Sujrvive
Lofe Tyat W8ll Syrvive Lofve W8ill Syurvive Lovfe Thyat Wi8ll Suyrvive Lovee Thaat Wull Surrvive Lov Tht Wuill Suvive Love Thta Wiull Suvrive
Lovs Thzt Sudvive Lovse Thzat Wil Sudrvive Loves Thazt Will Surdvive Lov3 Thqt Wikl Su4vive Lov3e Thqat Su4rvive Love3 Thaqt Wilkl Sur4vive
Lovf Thst Wiol Sugvive Thsat Sugrvive Lovef Thast Wilol Surgvive Lovr Thwt Wipl Sutvive Lovre Thwat Wipll Sutrvive Lover Thawt Wilpl Surtvive
Lov4 Thxt Su5vive Lov4e Thxat Su5rvive Love4 Thaxt Sur5vive Lovd Thatt Wilk Sufvive Lovde Tha Sufrvive Loved That Willk Surfvive
Lovw Thaf Wilo Suevive Lovwe Thaft Suervive Lovew Thatf Willo Surevive Tha5 Wilp Survvive Tha5t Surive That5 Willp Surivve

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