Mason Williams
A Gift Of Song

A gift of song is a gift of love

Though how this is I cannot say

But who receives a gift of love

Must send it freely on its way

As I receive, so let me give

And live in joy, my whole life through

A gift of song is a gift of love

Here comes a gift of love for you

A gift of song is a gift of love

It falls to Earth, we know not where

But who receives a gift of love

It follows then that he must share

As I receive, so let me give

And live in joy, my whole life through

Mirror lyrics:

And live in joy, my whole life through

As I receive, so let me give

It follows then that he must share

But who receives a gift of love

It falls to Earth, we know not where

A gift of song is a gift of love

Here comes a gift of love for you

A gift of song is a gift of love

And live in joy, my whole life through

As I receive, so let me give

Must send it freely on its way

But who receives a gift of love

Though how this is I cannot say

A gift of song is a gift of love

Relevant Tags:
AA GGift OOf SSong ift f ong A iGft fO oSng z hift kf zong zA hGift kOf zSong Az Ghift Okf Szong q yift 9f wong qA yGift 9Of wSong
Aq Gyift O9f Swong s bift 0f dong sA bGift 0Of dSong As Gbift O0f Sdong w vift lf eong wA vGift lOf eSong Aw Gvift Olf Seong x fift if xong
xA fGift iOf xSong Ax Gfift Oif Sxong tift Off aong tGift O aSong Gtift Of Saong Giift Oc Soong Gft Ocf Sng Gfit Ofc Snog
Gjft Or Skng Gjift Orf Skong Gijft Ofr Sokng G9ft Og S9ng G9ift Ogf S9ong Gi9ft Ofg So9ng Glft Ot S0ng Glift Otf S0ong
Gilft Oft So0ng Goft Ov Slng Goift Ovf Slong Gioft Ofv Solng Gkft Od Sing Gkift Odf Siong Gikft Ofd Soing G8ft Sonng
G8ift Sog Gi8ft Sogn Guft Somg

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