Mason Proffit

My shadow left my mind and went a walkin' 'round and
found a nickel on the ground
And the buffalo upon one side he got up and walked away
And the indian upon the other side gave out a sigh
and said thats better now
Without the buffalo
Without the buffalo x 2
Without the buffalo im just and indian
I'm free and clear
The indian went walkin' 'round and sat upon the Hill
to watch the sun go down
But he couldnt find his people, he got up and walked away
And he sat beside the fire, and gave out a sigh We're all forgotten now
Where is my tomahawk
My days are gone
Where is my tent
Where is my planting ground
Where is my land
This reservation's wrong
Whose this white man
My people never smile
Where is my brother
My children ignorant
Where is my squaw
Where's my buffalo

Mirror lyrics:

Where's my buffalo
Where is my squaw
My children ignorant
Where is my brother
My people never smile
Whose this white man
This reservation's wrong
Where is my land
Where is my planting ground
Where is my tent
My days are gone
Where is my tomahawk
And he sat beside the fire, and gave out a sigh We're all forgotten now
But he couldnt find his people, he got up and walked away
to watch the sun go down
The indian went walkin' 'round and sat upon the Hill
I'm free and clear
Without the buffalo im just and indian
Without the buffalo x 2
Without the buffalo
and said thats better now
And the indian upon the other side gave out a sigh
And the buffalo upon one side he got up and walked away
found a nickel on the ground
My shadow left my mind and went a walkin' 'round and

Relevant Tags:
BBuffalo uffalo uBffalo vuffalo vBuffalo Bvuffalo guffalo gBuffalo Bguffalo nuffalo nBuffalo
Bnuffalo huffalo hBuffalo Bhuffalo Buuffalo Bffalo Bfufalo Bhffalo Buhffalo B7ffalo B7uffalo
Bu7ffalo Bkffalo Bkuffalo Bukffalo Biffalo Biuffalo Buiffalo B8ffalo B8uffalo Bu8ffalo Bjffalo
Bjuffalo Bujffalo Byffalo Byuffalo Buyffalo Bufffalo Bufalo Buffalo Bucfalo Bucffalo Bufcfalo
Burfalo Burffalo Bufrfalo Bugfalo Bugffalo Bufgfalo Butfalo Butffalo Buftfalo Buvfalo Buvffalo
Bufvfalo Budfalo

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