Mavis Staples
What Happened To The Real Me

You went away without a warning
left me in a cold world on my own
you molded me into your special woman
now the soul i have is not my own

look at me, my love
what happened to the real me?
look what you've done, my love
why'd you do what you did to me?

i tried to win your love
you were cold, you kept your love from me
i tried to warm your heart
now my heart is crying constantly

look at me, my love
what happened to the real me?
look what you've done, my love
why'd you do what you did to me?

How did you possess my soul?
tell me why do i still need you so?

i feel the pain, pain of nothing
without you by my side, i can't, i won't go on
& right now i feel your arms so warm around me
but you're gone, baby, oh, you're gone

look at me, my love
what happened to the real me?
look what you've done, my love
why'd you do what you did to me?
look at me, my love
what happened to the real me?
look what you've done, my love
look at me, my love
what happened to the real me?
look at me, my love
what happened to the real me?
look at me, my love
what happened to the real me?

Mirror lyrics:

what happened to the real me?
look at me, my love
what happened to the real me?
look at me, my love
what happened to the real me?
look at me, my love
look what you've done, my love
what happened to the real me?
look at me, my love
why'd you do what you did to me?
look what you've done, my love
what happened to the real me?
look at me, my love

but you're gone, baby, oh, you're gone
& right now i feel your arms so warm around me
without you by my side, i can't, i won't go on
i feel the pain, pain of nothing

tell me why do i still need you so?
How did you possess my soul?

why'd you do what you did to me?
look what you've done, my love
what happened to the real me?
look at me, my love

now my heart is crying constantly
i tried to warm your heart
you were cold, you kept your love from me
i tried to win your love

why'd you do what you did to me?
look what you've done, my love
what happened to the real me?
look at me, my love

now the soul i have is not my own
you molded me into your special woman
left me in a cold world on my own
You went away without a warning

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