Mavericks, The
I Should Have Been True

(Raul Malo - Stan Lynch)

You held my hand
I was your man
I know that I was wrong to lie
If I could go back in time
Back when you were mine
I could hold you tight
And be with you.

I should have been true
I should have been blue
I shouldn't wonder why you're gone
I should have known that I was wrong.

Your eyes, your lips
Your touch I'll miss
The nights are long
Since you've been gone.

If I could go back in time
Back when you were mine
I could hold you tight
And be with you.

I should have been true
I should have been blue
I shouldn't wonder why you're gone
I should have known that I was wrong.

--- Instrumental ---

If I could go back in time
Back when you were mine
I could hold you tight
And be with you.

I should have been true
I should have been true
I should have been blue
I shouldn't wonder why you're gone
I should have known that I was wrong.

I should have been true
I should have been true
I should have been blue
I shouldn't wonder why you're gone
I should have known that I was wrong.

--- Instrumental to fade ---

Mirror lyrics:

--- Instrumental to fade ---

I should have known that I was wrong.
I shouldn't wonder why you're gone
I should have been blue
I should have been true
I should have been true

I should have known that I was wrong.
I shouldn't wonder why you're gone
I should have been blue
I should have been true
I should have been true

And be with you.
I could hold you tight
Back when you were mine
If I could go back in time

--- Instrumental ---

I should have known that I was wrong.
I shouldn't wonder why you're gone
I should have been blue
I should have been true

And be with you.
I could hold you tight
Back when you were mine
If I could go back in time

Since you've been gone.
The nights are long
Your touch I'll miss
Your eyes, your lips

I should have known that I was wrong.
I shouldn't wonder why you're gone
I should have been blue
I should have been true

And be with you.
I could hold you tight
Back when you were mine
If I could go back in time
I know that I was wrong to lie
I was your man
You held my hand

(Raul Malo - Stan Lynch)

Relevant Tags:
II SShould HHave BBeen TTrue hould ave een rue I hSould aHve eBen rTue j zhould jave veen frue jI zShould jHave vBeen fTrue Ij Szhould Hjave Bveen Tfrue
9 whould uave geen 5rue 9I wShould uHave gBeen 5True I9 Swhould Huave Bgeen T5rue l dhould nave neen hrue lI dShould nHave nBeen hTrue Il Sdhould Hnave Bneen Thrue
o ehould bave heen yrue oI eShould bHave hBeen yTrue Io Sehould Hbave Bheen Tyrue k xhould gave Beeen 6rue kI xShould gHave Ben 6True Ik Sxhould Hgave Been T6rue
8 ahould yave Bsen grue 8I aShould yHave Bseen gTrue I8 Sahould Hyave Besen Tgrue u Shhould Haave B3en rrue uI Sould Hve B3een rTrue Iu Sohuld Hvae Be3en Trrue
Sjould Hzve Bfen Sjhould Hzave Bfeen Tue Shjould Hazve Befen Ture Suould Hqve Bren Tdue Suhould Hqave Breen Tdrue Shuould Haqve Beren Trdue
Snould Hsve B4en T4ue Snhould Hsave B4een T4rue Shnould Hasve Be4en Tr4ue Sbould Hwve Bden Tgue Sbhould Hwave Bdeen Shbould Hawve Beden Trgue
Sgould Hxve Bwen Ttue Sghould Hxave Bween Ttrue Shgould Haxve Bewen Trtue Syould Havve T5ue Syhould Hae Shyould Haev Bene Tr5ue
Shoould Habe Besn Tfue Shuld Habve Shuold Havbe Beesn Trfue Shkuld Hace Be3n Teue Shkould Hacve Terue Shokuld Havce Bee3n Treue
Sh9uld Hage Befn Truue Sh9ould Hagve Tre Sho9uld Havge Beefn Treu Sh0uld Hafe Bern Trhe Sh0ould Hafve Trhue Sho0uld Havfe Beern Truhe
Shluld Havee Be4n Tr7e Shlould Hav Tr7ue Sholuld Have Bee4n Tru7e

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