Mary Mary
Something Bigger

My block in here!

[Chorus: 2x]
Gotta do it, gotta do it big
Big, ba-ba-bi-big
Gotta do it, gotta do it, gotta do it big
Big, ba-ba-bi-big

La, la, la, la, la, la, laaaaah, aaaah

[Verse 1:]
Everybody doin' that, can't do it again
Why you mad at me cause I wanna do it big
Don't think I'm unplugged and I'm disconnected
Cause I didn't do what ya'll expected
I ain't never thought small, cause my brain's colossal
When you gon' find out, you can do it if you want to
Pull up the New Test, click John 14
I can do great things cause of God in me
If God's in me, why I gotta think small
Now you know that don't make no sense at all
I'm in the image of the greatest, why I gotta defend
Why I wanna do it, wanna do it, wanna do it big

[Verse 2:]
Can't keep it in a box cause it just don't fit
My God, he's bigger than just music
I can take it to the church where my people go
I can take it to the people that just don't know
I can take it to the people that feel real low
To the poor, to the rich, to the CEO
(Yeah) He knows who you are
Who you're not, what you got, when it's all gon' stop
(Yeah) He can make you larger
Change your life and take you farther
It ain't not limit cause this world is his
So you got to do it, got to do it, got to do it big


Nobody plans to be a loser
Nobody tries for second place
Nothing's wrong with second place, but
Why stop at the ceiling when God showed me the sky
Why get on the airplane if I'm too scared to fly
Why am I goin' to the battle if I don't wanna fight
I'm goin' for the gold
Got to be incredible, oh oh

[Repeat 4x]
Got to do it, got to do it big, big
I got to, I got to, got to do it big


Gotta do, gotta do, gotta do
Gotta do, gotta do
Gotta do it, gotta do it big
Big, ba-ba-bi-big-ba-big

I got to, I got to, got to do it big

Mirror lyrics:

I got to, I got to, got to do it big

Big, ba-ba-bi-big-ba-big
Gotta do it, gotta do it big
Gotta do, gotta do
Gotta do, gotta do, gotta do


I got to, I got to, got to do it big
Got to do it, got to do it big, big
[Repeat 4x]

Got to be incredible, oh oh
I'm goin' for the gold
Why am I goin' to the battle if I don't wanna fight
Why get on the airplane if I'm too scared to fly
Why stop at the ceiling when God showed me the sky
Nothing's wrong with second place, but
Nobody tries for second place
Nobody plans to be a loser


So you got to do it, got to do it, got to do it big
It ain't not limit cause this world is his
Change your life and take you farther
(Yeah) He can make you larger
Who you're not, what you got, when it's all gon' stop
(Yeah) He knows who you are
To the poor, to the rich, to the CEO
I can take it to the people that feel real low
I can take it to the people that just don't know
I can take it to the church where my people go
My God, he's bigger than just music
Can't keep it in a box cause it just don't fit
[Verse 2:]

Why I wanna do it, wanna do it, wanna do it big
I'm in the image of the greatest, why I gotta defend
Now you know that don't make no sense at all
If God's in me, why I gotta think small
I can do great things cause of God in me
Pull up the New Test, click John 14
When you gon' find out, you can do it if you want to
I ain't never thought small, cause my brain's colossal
Cause I didn't do what ya'll expected
Don't think I'm unplugged and I'm disconnected
Why you mad at me cause I wanna do it big
Everybody doin' that, can't do it again
[Verse 1:]

La, la, la, la, la, la, laaaaah, aaaah

Big, ba-ba-bi-big
Gotta do it, gotta do it, gotta do it big
Big, ba-ba-bi-big
Gotta do it, gotta do it big
[Chorus: 2x]

My block in here!

Relevant Tags:
SSomething BBigger omething igger oSmething iBgger zomething vigger zSomething vBigger Szomething Bvigger womething gigger
wSomething gBigger Swomething Bgigger domething nigger dSomething nBigger Sdomething Bnigger eomething higger eSomething hBigger
Seomething Bhigger xomething Biigger xSomething Bgger Sxomething Bgiger aomething Bjgger aSomething Bjigger Saomething Bijgger
Soomething B9gger Smething B9igger Smoething Bi9gger Skmething Blgger Skomething Bligger Sokmething Bilgger S9mething Bogger
S9omething Boigger So9mething Biogger S0mething Bkgger S0omething Bkigger So0mething Bikgger Slmething B8gger Slomething B8igger
Solmething Bi8gger Simething Bugger Siomething Buigger Soimething Biugger Sommething Biggger Soething Biger Soemthing Bigger
Sojething Bihger Sojmething Bihgger Somjething Bighger Sokething Biyger Biygger Somkething Bigyger Sonething Bibger
Sonmething Bibgger Somnething Bigbger Someething Bivger Somthing Bivgger Somtehing Bigvger Somsthing Bifger Somsething Bifgger
Somesthing Bigfger Som3thing Bitger Som3ething Bitgger Some3thing Bigtger Somfthing Somfething Somefthing Bigegr
Somrthing Bigher Somrething Somerthing Biggher Som4thing Bigyer Som4ething Some4thing Biggyer Somdthing Bigber
Somdething Somedthing Biggber Somwthing Bigver Somwething Somewthing Biggver Sometthing Bigfer Somehing
Somehting Biggfer Somefhing Bigter Sometfhing Biggter Some5hing Biggeer Some5thing Biggr Somet5hing Biggre Somehhing Biggsr

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