Mary Kate And Ashley Olsen
Come As You Are

Come as you are
Express yourself anyway you choose
Come as you are
And there's no way that you can lose
Now it occurred tome not too long ago
That the styles we wear, well they come and go
But each and everyone in their own special way
Express in many styles what we feel today
Hey! Hey!
The fifties poopies never really went away
The sixties hippies, well they are still seen today
The seventies meant dancing to a disco beat
The eighties styles were crazy, and big hair the scene
Hey! Hey!

Decades past give inspiration
To the styles we choose for exploration


Now the nineties are upon us with the styles all their own
Retro from the older times, hip hop and the grunge
So it seems that as we inch towards year "two triple zero"
It's up to us to take the stage as individuals

It's the time for our new generation
To express ourselves through celebration


No no no no!


Mirror lyrics:


No no no no!


To express ourselves through celebration
It's the time for our new generation

It's up to us to take the stage as individuals
So it seems that as we inch towards year "two triple zero"
Retro from the older times, hip hop and the grunge
Now the nineties are upon us with the styles all their own


To the styles we choose for exploration
Decades past give inspiration

Hey! Hey!
The eighties styles were crazy, and big hair the scene
The seventies meant dancing to a disco beat
The sixties hippies, well they are still seen today
The fifties poopies never really went away
Hey! Hey!
Express in many styles what we feel today
But each and everyone in their own special way
That the styles we wear, well they come and go
Now it occurred tome not too long ago
And there's no way that you can lose
Come as you are
Express yourself anyway you choose
Come as you are

Relevant Tags:
CCome AAs YYou AAre ome s ou re oCme sA oYu rAe fome zs gou zre fCome zAs gYou zAre Cfome Azs Ygou Azre xome qs hou qre
xCome qAs hYou qAre Cxome Aqs Yhou Aqre vome ss 6ou sre vCome sAs 6You sAre Cvome Ass Y6ou Asre dome ws uou wre dCome wAs uYou wAre
Cdome Aws Yuou Awre Coome xs 7ou xre Cme xAs 7You xAre Cmoe Axs Y7ou Axre Ckme jou Arre Ckome A jYou Ae Cokme As Yjou Aer
C9me Az tou Ade C9ome tYou Adre Co9me Asz Ytou Arde C0me Aw Yoou A4e C0ome Yu A4re Co0me Asw Yuo Ar4e Clme Ad Yku Age
Clome Ads Ykou Agre Colme Asd Yoku Arge Cime Ae Y9u Ate Ciome Aes Y9ou Atre Coime Ase Yo9u Arte Comme Ax Y0u A5e

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