Mary Wilson
Pick Up The Pieces

It's time to pick up the pieces
Let's start all over again
Let's try to forget about the bad times
I don't want our relationship to end
You and me, we can lie in the park after dark
And watch the stars in the sky
There's no reason why we can't make it, ooh, ooh, ooh

It's time to put it all together
We can do it, oh yes we can
We've got to pick up the pieces
Let's start by taking each other's pain
Can't you see you and me, we can be happy
There's still a chance for us
Let's try 'cause there's no reason why we can't make it

When I think of all the time we wasted
Ooh, it tears me apart
And all, all the bitterness we've tasted
It breaks my heart
Said I know, oh, yes I know I love you so
Oooh, baby

Let's start all over, there's a chance for us to pick up the pieces
Let's start all over again, oooh, baby
There's a chance, a chance for us
Let's start all over again, we're in love
There's a chance, a chance for us
Let's start all over again, we'll be together
There's a chance, a chance for us
Let's start all over again, we're in love
There's a chance [it's time, baby], it's ti-i-ime [look at your watch]
It's ti-i-ime [right now], it's ti-i-ime [I'm ready]
It's ti-i-ime [Are you ready?], 'cause it's ti-i-ime
It's ti-i-ime [ooh, now], it's ti-i-ime [it's our lives]
There's a chance, a chance [it's time now, honey]
Let's start all over again [right now], we're in love
There's a chance, a chance for us [you know it's time]
Let's start all over again, oooh, baby
There's a chance, a chance [right now, honey]
Let's start all over again, we can make it
There's a chance, a chance for us [ooh, it's time]
Let's start all over again, we're in love...

Mirror lyrics:

Let's start all over again, we're in love...
There's a chance, a chance for us [ooh, it's time]
Let's start all over again, we can make it
There's a chance, a chance [right now, honey]
Let's start all over again, oooh, baby
There's a chance, a chance for us [you know it's time]
Let's start all over again [right now], we're in love
There's a chance, a chance [it's time now, honey]
It's ti-i-ime [ooh, now], it's ti-i-ime [it's our lives]
It's ti-i-ime [Are you ready?], 'cause it's ti-i-ime
It's ti-i-ime [right now], it's ti-i-ime [I'm ready]
There's a chance [it's time, baby], it's ti-i-ime [look at your watch]
Let's start all over again, we're in love
There's a chance, a chance for us
Let's start all over again, we'll be together
There's a chance, a chance for us
Let's start all over again, we're in love
There's a chance, a chance for us
Let's start all over again, oooh, baby
Let's start all over, there's a chance for us to pick up the pieces

Oooh, baby
Said I know, oh, yes I know I love you so
It breaks my heart
And all, all the bitterness we've tasted
Ooh, it tears me apart
When I think of all the time we wasted

Let's try 'cause there's no reason why we can't make it
There's still a chance for us
Can't you see you and me, we can be happy
Let's start by taking each other's pain
We've got to pick up the pieces
We can do it, oh yes we can
It's time to put it all together

There's no reason why we can't make it, ooh, ooh, ooh
And watch the stars in the sky
You and me, we can lie in the park after dark
I don't want our relationship to end
Let's try to forget about the bad times
Let's start all over again
It's time to pick up the pieces

Relevant Tags:
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lick 7p 5he lieces lPick 7Up 5The lPieces Plick U7p T5he Plieces oick kp hhe oieces oPick kUp hThe oPieces Poick Ukp Thhe Poieces
Piick ip yhe Piieces Pck iUp yThe Peces Pcik Uip Tyhe Peices Pjck 8p 6he Pjeces Pjick 8Up 6The Pjieces Pijck U8p T6he Pijeces
P9ck jp ghe P9eces P9ick jUp gThe P9ieces Pi9ck Ujp Tghe Pi9eces Plck yp rhe Pleces yUp rThe Pilck Uyp Trhe Pileces
Pock Upp Poeces U Te Piock Up Teh Pioeces Pkck U0 Tje Pkeces Pkick U0p Tjhe Pkieces Pikck Up0 Thje Pikeces
P8ck Ul Tue P8eces P8ick Ulp Tuhe P8ieces Pi8ck Upl Thue Pi8eces Puck Uo Tne Pueces Puick Uop Tnhe Puieces Piuck Upo Thne Piueces
Picck Tbe Pieeces Pik Tbhe Pices Pikc Thbe Picees Pifk Tge Pisces Pifck Piseces Picfk Thge Piesces
Pixk Tye Pi3ces Pixck Pi3eces Picxk Thye Pie3ces Pivk Thee Pifces Pivck Th Pifeces Picvk The Piefces
Pidk Ths Pirces Pidck Thse Pireces Picdk Thes Pierces Pickk Th3 Pi4ces Pic Th3e Pi4eces Pick The3 Pie4ces
Picl Thf Pidces

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