Mary Chapin Carpenter
Read My Lips

A few more cigarettes now honey

One more jolt of joe

A couple hours past New York City

A few more turnpike tolls

One more minute away from you

Is a minute that lasts too long

When I get back we're gonna lock the door baby

And disconnect the phone

We could use a week to get reacquainted

Some time to feel it out

But leave your small talk back at home baby

This ain't what that's about

Just read my lips

Yes I think you can

Just read my lips

And you'll understand

Well I can see it in your eyes now honey

'Cause I've seen it in myself

You've got a few old scars that's ancient history baby

That was someone else

Well I could tell you that you're only human

That you're right to be afraid

But how can you pull back on me now

Don't you make that big mistake

Well you could give it up

Or you could just give in

Now it's a choice between the two

But I weren't born no yesterday baby

I wasn't born a fool

Just read my lips

Yes I think you can

Just read my lips

And you'll understand

Just read my lips

And you can read my mind

Just read my lips

Just one more time

This ain't no game of cat and mouse

It ain't no truth or dare

I ain't got 20 questions for you

Just one thing to declare

Just read my lips

Yes I think you can

Just read my lips

And you'll understand

Just read my lips

And you can read my mind

Just read my lips

Just one more time

Mirror lyrics:

Just one more time

Just read my lips

And you can read my mind

Just read my lips

And you'll understand

Just read my lips

Yes I think you can

Just read my lips

Just one thing to declare

I ain't got 20 questions for you

It ain't no truth or dare

This ain't no game of cat and mouse

Just one more time

Just read my lips

And you can read my mind

Just read my lips

And you'll understand

Just read my lips

Yes I think you can

Just read my lips

I wasn't born a fool

But I weren't born no yesterday baby

Now it's a choice between the two

Or you could just give in

Well you could give it up

Don't you make that big mistake

But how can you pull back on me now

That you're right to be afraid

Well I could tell you that you're only human

That was someone else

You've got a few old scars that's ancient history baby

'Cause I've seen it in myself

Well I can see it in your eyes now honey

And you'll understand

Just read my lips

Yes I think you can

Just read my lips

This ain't what that's about

But leave your small talk back at home baby

Some time to feel it out

We could use a week to get reacquainted

And disconnect the phone

When I get back we're gonna lock the door baby

Is a minute that lasts too long

One more minute away from you

A few more turnpike tolls

A couple hours past New York City

One more jolt of joe

A few more cigarettes now honey

Relevant Tags:
RRead MMy LLips ead y ips eRad yM iLps dead jy kips dRead jMy kLips Rdead Mjy Lkips 4ead ky oips 4Read kMy oLips R4ead Mky Loips
gead ny pips gRead nMy pLips Rgead Mny Lpips tead Myy Liips tRead M Lps Rtead My Lpis 5ead Mg Ljps 5Read Mgy Ljips R5ead Myg Lijps
fead Mh L9ps fRead Mhy L9ips Rfead Myh Li9ps eead M6 Llps eRead M6y Llips Reead My6 Lilps Mu Lops Rad Muy Raed Myu Liops
Rsad M7 Lkps Rsead M7y Resad My7 Likps R3ad Mj L8ps R3ead L8ips Re3ad Myj Li8ps Rfad Mt Lups Mty Luips Refad Myt Liups
Rrad Lipps Rread Lis Rerad Lisp R4ad Li0s

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