Mary Chapin Carpenter
Maybe World

It's all I hate but oh so tempting

Fills me up but leaves me empty

It's all regrets and second chances

What's the point of backward glances

That lead me nowhere

I can't go back there

Everything is so uncertain

All happening to you in a whirl

That's the beauty and the hurting

Of living in a maybe world

Who can stand all those should haves

They wake us up and make us feel bad

The famous road will stay untaken

All mistakes are worth making

Go back to sleep now

It all works out somehow

Everything is so uncertain

All happening to you in a whirl

That's the beauty and the hurting

Of living in a maybe world

I'm sorry for the rain that broke the dam that caused the flood

I'm sorry for the pain but that's the way it is because

Everything is so uncertain

All happening to you in a whirl

That's the beauty and the hurting

Of living in a maybe world

Everything is so uncertain

All the garbage baby and the pearls

That's the beauty and the hurting

Of living in a maybe world

Mirror lyrics:

Of living in a maybe world

That's the beauty and the hurting

All the garbage baby and the pearls

Everything is so uncertain

Of living in a maybe world

That's the beauty and the hurting

All happening to you in a whirl

Everything is so uncertain

I'm sorry for the pain but that's the way it is because

I'm sorry for the rain that broke the dam that caused the flood

Of living in a maybe world

That's the beauty and the hurting

All happening to you in a whirl

Everything is so uncertain

It all works out somehow

Go back to sleep now

All mistakes are worth making

The famous road will stay untaken

They wake us up and make us feel bad

Who can stand all those should haves

Of living in a maybe world

That's the beauty and the hurting

All happening to you in a whirl

Everything is so uncertain

I can't go back there

That lead me nowhere

What's the point of backward glances

It's all regrets and second chances

Fills me up but leaves me empty

It's all I hate but oh so tempting

Relevant Tags:
MMaybe WWorld aybe orld aMybe oWrld jaybe aorld jMaybe aWorld Mjaybe Waorld kaybe 3orld kMaybe 3World Mkaybe W3orld naybe dorld
nMaybe dWorld Mnaybe Wdorld Maaybe eorld Mybe eWorld Myabe Weorld Mzybe sorld Mzaybe sWorld Mazybe Wsorld Mqybe 2orld Mqaybe 2World
Maqybe W2orld Msybe qorld Msaybe qWorld Masybe Wqorld Mwybe Woorld Mwaybe Wrld Mawybe Wrold Mxybe Wkrld Mxaybe Wkorld Maxybe Wokrld
Mayybe W9rld Mabe W9orld Mabye Wo9rld Magbe W0rld Magybe W0orld Maygbe Wo0rld Mahbe Wlrld Mahybe Wlorld Mayhbe Wolrld Ma6be Wirld
Ma6ybe Wiorld May6be Woirld Maube Worrld Mauybe Wold Mayube Wolrd Ma7be Wodld Ma7ybe Wodrld May7be Wordld Majbe Wo4ld Majybe Wo4rld

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