Mary Black
As I Leave Behind Nã©idã­n

As I leave behind Néidín
It's like purple splashed on green
My soul is strangely fed
Through the winding hills ahead
And she plays a melody
On wind and streams for me

Won't you remember
Won't you remember
Won't you remember me
Won't you remember
Won't you remember
Won't you remember me

And we wind and climb and fall
Like the greatest waltz of all
Float across the floor
Her sweet breath outside the door
And it's time that I was gone
Cross the silver tear


As I leave behind Néidín
In the hall where we have been
Rhododendrons in her hair
In the mountain scented air
I still feel her spirit song
Cross the silver tear


Mirror lyrics:


Cross the silver tear
I still feel her spirit song
In the mountain scented air
Rhododendrons in her hair
In the hall where we have been
As I leave behind Néidín


Cross the silver tear
And it's time that I was gone
Her sweet breath outside the door
Float across the floor
Like the greatest waltz of all
And we wind and climb and fall

Won't you remember me
Won't you remember
Won't you remember
Won't you remember me
Won't you remember
Won't you remember

On wind and streams for me
And she plays a melody
Through the winding hills ahead
My soul is strangely fed
It's like purple splashed on green
As I leave behind Néidín

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Azs Ij Lkeave Bvehind Nmã©idã­n qs 9 oeave gehind hã©idã­n qAs 9I oLeave gBehind hNã©idã­n Aqs I9 Loeave Bgehind Nhã©idã­n ss l peave nehind jã©idã­n
sAs lI pLeave nBehind jNã©idã­n Ass Il Lpeave Bnehind Njã©idã­n ws o Leeave hehind bã©idã­n wAs oI Lave hBehind bNã©idã­n Aws Io Laeve Bhehind Nbã©idã­n
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