Marty Stuart
Get In Line Brother

Oh, listen to me sinners, don't you want to go

For some day he's comin' back again you know

If that wrong ain't righted, you'll be lost in sin

Get in line brother, he will take you in

Get in line brother if you wanna go home

Get on your knees and righten that wrong

Then you'll be singing this old time song

Get in line brother if you wanna go home

If I could tell you brother just how I feel

Then I'm sure, you'll know the love of God is real

Then you'll be praying while I sing this song

Get in line brother, if you wanna go home

Get in line brother if you wanna go home

Get on your knees and righten that wrong

Then you'll be singing this old time song

Get in line brother if you wanna go home

Now listen to me Satan, I have righted that wrong

Got a one-way ticket and I'm goin' home

I've got no worries as I sing this song

Get in line brother if you wanna go home

Get in line brother if you wanna go home

Get on your knees and righten that wrong

Then you'll be singing this old time song

Get in line brother if you wanna go home

Mirror lyrics:

Get in line brother if you wanna go home

Then you'll be singing this old time song

Get on your knees and righten that wrong

Get in line brother if you wanna go home

Get in line brother if you wanna go home

I've got no worries as I sing this song

Got a one-way ticket and I'm goin' home

Now listen to me Satan, I have righted that wrong

Get in line brother if you wanna go home

Then you'll be singing this old time song

Get on your knees and righten that wrong

Get in line brother if you wanna go home

Get in line brother, if you wanna go home

Then you'll be praying while I sing this song

Then I'm sure, you'll know the love of God is real

If I could tell you brother just how I feel

Get in line brother if you wanna go home

Then you'll be singing this old time song

Get on your knees and righten that wrong

Get in line brother if you wanna go home

Get in line brother, he will take you in

If that wrong ain't righted, you'll be lost in sin

For some day he's comin' back again you know

Oh, listen to me sinners, don't you want to go

Relevant Tags:
GGet IIn LLine BBrother et n ine rother eGt nI iLne rBother het jn kine vrother hGet jIn kLine vBrother Ghet Ijn Lkine Bvrother
yet 9n oine grother yGet 9In oLine gBrother Gyet I9n Loine Bgrother bet ln pine nrother bGet lIn pLine nBrother Gbet Iln Lpine Bnrother
vet on Liine hrother vGet oIn Lne hBrother Gvet Ion Lnie Bhrother fet kn Ljne Brrother fGet kIn Ljine Bother Gfet Ikn Lijne Borther
tet 8n L9ne Bdother tGet 8In L9ine Bdrother Gtet I8n Li9ne Brdother Geet un Llne B4other Gt uIn Lline B4rother Gte Iun Lilne Br4other
Gst Inn Lone Bgother Gset I Gest In Lione Brgother G3t Im Lkne Btother G3et Imn Btrother Ge3t Inm Likne Brtother
Gft Ih L8ne B5other Ihn L8ine B5rother Geft Inh Li8ne Br5other Grt Ij Lune Bfother Gret Luine Bfrother Gert Inj Liune Brfother
G4t Ib Linne Beother G4et Ibn Lie Berother Ge4t Inb Lien Breother Gdt Lime Broother Gdet Limne Brther Gedt Linme Brtoher
Gwt Lihe Brkther Gwet Lihne Brkother Gewt Linhe Brokther Gett Lije Br9ther Ge Br9other Get Linje Bro9ther
Gef Libe Br0ther Libne Br0other Getf Linbe Bro0ther Ge5 Linee Brlther Ge5t Lin Brlother Get5 Line Brolther
Geh Lins Brither Geht Linse Briother Geth Lines Broither Gey Lin3 Brotther Geyt Lin3e Broher Gety Line3 Brohter
Ge6 Linf Brofher Ge6t Linfe Brofther Get6 Linef Brotfher Geg Linr Bro5her Gegt Linre Bro5ther Getg Liner Brot5her
Ger Lin4 Brohher Lin4e Brohther Getr Line4 Brothher Lind Broyher Linde Broyther

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