Marty Robbins
Windows Have Pains

It's rainin' and my windows are cryin'
You're out somewhere and I sit here dyin'
Only your memories remain
Even windows have pains 'cause they cry when it rains

Keep hopin, my heart says keep hopin'
Your future won't always be the same
Oh, but the teardrops that fall on my window
Keep sayin', you're hopin' in vain

I don't think I can take it much longer
The will to live isn't getting any stronger
And only your memories remain
Even windows have pains 'cause they cry when it rains

Keep hopin, my heart says keep hopin'
Your future won't always be the same
But the teardrops that fall on my window
Keep sayin', you're hopin' in vain

I don't think I can take it much longer
The will to live isn't getting any stronger
Only your memories remain
Even windows have pains 'cause they cry when it rains

Mirror lyrics:

Even windows have pains 'cause they cry when it rains
Only your memories remain
The will to live isn't getting any stronger
I don't think I can take it much longer

Keep sayin', you're hopin' in vain
But the teardrops that fall on my window
Your future won't always be the same
Keep hopin, my heart says keep hopin'

Even windows have pains 'cause they cry when it rains
And only your memories remain
The will to live isn't getting any stronger
I don't think I can take it much longer

Keep sayin', you're hopin' in vain
Oh, but the teardrops that fall on my window
Your future won't always be the same
Keep hopin, my heart says keep hopin'

Even windows have pains 'cause they cry when it rains
Only your memories remain
You're out somewhere and I sit here dyin'
It's rainin' and my windows are cryin'

Relevant Tags:
WWindows HHave PPains indows ave ains iWndows aHve aPins aindows jave 0ains aWindows jHave 0Pains Waindows Hjave P0ains
3indows uave lains 3Windows uHave lPains W3indows Huave Plains dindows nave oains dWindows nHave oPains Wdindows Hnave Poains
eindows bave Paains eWindows bHave Pins Weindows Hbave Pians sindows gave Pzins sWindows gHave Pzains Wsindows Hgave Pazins
2indows yave Pqins 2Windows yHave Pqains W2indows Hyave Paqins qindows Haave Psins qWindows Hve Psains Wqindows Hvae Pasins
Wiindows Hzve Pwins Wndows Hzave Pwains Wnidows Hazve Pawins Wjndows Hqve Pxins Wjindows Hqave Pxains Wijndows Haqve Paxins
W9ndows Hsve Paiins W9indows Hsave Pans Wi9ndows Hasve Panis Wlndows Hwve Pajns Wlindows Hwave Pajins Wilndows Hawve Paijns
Wondows Hxve Pa9ns Woindows Hxave Pa9ins Wiondows Haxve Pai9ns Wkndows Havve Palns Wkindows Hae Palins Wikndows Haev Pailns
W8ndows Habe Paons W8indows Habve Paoins Wi8ndows Havbe Paions Wundows Hace Pakns Wuindows Hacve Pakins Wiundows Havce Paikns
Winndows Hage Pa8ns Widows Hagve Pa8ins Widnows Havge Pai8ns Wimdows Hafe Pauns Wimndows Hafve Pauins Winmdows Havfe Paiuns
Wihdows Havee Painns Wihndows Hav Pais Winhdows Have Paisn Wijdows Havs Paims Havse Paimns Winjdows Haves Painms
Wibdows Hav3 Paihs Wibndows Hav3e Paihns Winbdows Have3 Painhs Winddows Havf Paijs Winows Winodws Havef Painjs
Winxows Havr Paibs Winxdows Havre Paibns Windxows Haver Painbs Wineows Hav4 Painss Winedows Hav4e Pain

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