Marty Robbins
The Sad Lover

Oh I'm sad and I'm lonely for my darlin'
And I weep like I never did before
For she's far away from me and I'm dreary as can be
For I'll never see my darlin' anymore

Oh, I'd meet her each evenin' in the moonlight
And we'd wander together by the shore
Soon she gave her word to me that my blushing bride she'd be
But I'll never see my darlin' anymore

For we'd quarreled before we reached the altar
It was fate brought a stranger to her door
With his fancy ways and grace in her heart he took my place
And I'll never see my darlin' anymore

Oh the postman brought a letter just this mornin'
It was sent from a distant, foreign shore
Was a letter edged in black and it said alas, alas
You will never see your darlin' anymore

Mirror lyrics:

You will never see your darlin' anymore
Was a letter edged in black and it said alas, alas
It was sent from a distant, foreign shore
Oh the postman brought a letter just this mornin'

And I'll never see my darlin' anymore
With his fancy ways and grace in her heart he took my place
It was fate brought a stranger to her door
For we'd quarreled before we reached the altar

But I'll never see my darlin' anymore
Soon she gave her word to me that my blushing bride she'd be
And we'd wander together by the shore
Oh, I'd meet her each evenin' in the moonlight

For I'll never see my darlin' anymore
For she's far away from me and I'm dreary as can be
And I weep like I never did before
Oh I'm sad and I'm lonely for my darlin'

Relevant Tags:
TThe SSad LLover he ad over hTe aSd oLver fhe zad kover fThe zSad kLover Tfhe Szad Lkover 5he wad oover 5The wSad oLover T5he Swad Loover
hhe dad pover hThe dSad pLover Thhe Sdad Lpover yhe ead yThe eSad Lver Tyhe Sead Lvoer 6he xad Lkver 6The xSad T6he Sxad Lokver
ghe aad L9ver gThe aSad L9over Tghe Saad Lo9ver rhe L0ver rThe Sd L0over Trhe Sda Lo0ver Szd Llver Te Llover Teh Sazd Lolver
Tje Sqd Liver Tjhe Sqad Liover Thje Saqd Loiver Tue Ssd Lovver Tuhe Ssad Loer Thue Sasd Loevr Tne Swd Lober Tnhe Lobver Thne Sawd Lovber
Tbe Sxd Locer Tbhe Locver Thbe Saxd Lovcer Tge Sadd Loger Sa Logver Thge Sad Lovger Tye Sax Lofer

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