Marty Robbins
She Means Nothing To Me Now

Go ahead and call her if you want to
She and I aren't tied by any vow
Just do as you please if it puts your mind at ease
She means nothin' to me now

I confess that she used to be my baby
But we just couldn't get along, somehow
So go on and make your call, it won't bother me at all
'Cause she means nothin' to me now

The only time I ever think about her
Is when I'm alone or with somebody else
I make believe that I can live without her
But I'm not foolin' no one but myself

I know the masquerade won't last forever
But I'll act as long as my heart will allow
I'm just lyin' when I say, for in every scene I play
She means nothin' to me now

Mirror lyrics:

She means nothin' to me now
I'm just lyin' when I say, for in every scene I play
But I'll act as long as my heart will allow
I know the masquerade won't last forever

But I'm not foolin' no one but myself
I make believe that I can live without her
Is when I'm alone or with somebody else
The only time I ever think about her

'Cause she means nothin' to me now
So go on and make your call, it won't bother me at all
But we just couldn't get along, somehow
I confess that she used to be my baby

She means nothin' to me now
Just do as you please if it puts your mind at ease
She and I aren't tied by any vow
Go ahead and call her if you want to

Relevant Tags:
SShe MMeans NNothing TTo MMe NNow he eans othing o e ow hSe eMans oNthing oT eM oNw zhe jeans mothing fo je mow zShe jMeans mNothing fTo jMe mNow
Szhe Mjeans Nmothing Tfo Mje Nmow whe keans hothing 5o ke how wShe kMeans hNothing 5To kMe hNow Swhe Mkeans Nhothing T5o Mke Nhow dhe neans jothing ho ne jow
dShe nMeans jNothing hTo nMe jNow Sdhe Mneans Njothing Tho Mne Njow ehe Meeans bothing yo Mee bow eShe Mans bNothing yTo M bNow Sehe Maens Nbothing Tyo Me Nbow
xhe Msans Noothing 6o Ms Noow xShe Mseans Nthing 6To Mse Nw Sxhe Mesans Ntohing T6o Mes Nwo ahe M3ans Nkthing go M3 Nkw aShe M3eans Nkothing gTo M3e Nkow
Sahe Me3ans Nokthing Tgo Me3 Nokw Shhe Mfans N9thing ro Mf N9w Se Mfeans N9othing rTo Mfe N9ow Seh Mefans No9thing Tro Mef No9w Sje Mrans N0thing Too Mr N0w
Sjhe Mreans N0othing T Mre N0ow Shje Merans No0thing To Mer No0w Sue M4ans Nlthing Tk M4 Nlw Suhe M4eans Nlothing Tko M4e Nlow Shue Me4ans Nolthing Tok Me4 Nolw
Sne Mdans Nithing T9 Md Niw Snhe Mdeans Niothing T9o Mde Niow Shne Medans Noithing To9 Med Noiw Sbe Mwans Notthing T0 Mw Noww Sbhe Mweans Nohing T0o Mwe No
Shbe Mewans Nohting To0 Mew Now Sge Meaans Nofhing Tl Noa Sghe Mens Nofthing Tlo Noaw Shge Menas Notfhing Tol Nowa Sye Mezns No5hing Ti No3
Syhe Mezans No5thing Tio No3w Shye Meazns Not5hing Toi Now3 Shee Meqns Nohhing Nod Sh Meqans Nohthing Nodw She Meaqns Nothhing Nowd
Shs Mesns Noyhing Noe Shse Noything Noew Shes Measns Notyhing Nowe Sh3 Mewns No6hing Nos Sh3e No6thing Nosw
She3 Meawns Not6hing Nows Shf Mexns Noghing No2 Shfe Mexans Nogthing No2w Shef Meaxns Notghing Now2 Shr Meanns Norhing Noq
Shre Meas Northing Noqw Sher Measn Notrhing Nowq Sh4 Meams Sh4e Meamns Noting She4 Meanms Notihng
Shd Meahs Notjing Shde Meahns Notjhing Shed Meanhs Nothjing Shw Meajs Notuing Shwe Meajns Notuhing

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