Marty Robbins
Restless Cattle

Restless cattle, stop your millin' 'round it's time to go to sleep
While I tell you 'bout some secrets this poor cowboy has to keep
You won't understand, but still I'd like to get it off my chest
Restless cattle, now it's time to get some rest.

If I show you what I carry will you promise not to laugh
If another tear drop falls and stains her faded photograph
Only you know how I feel inside, only you know that I weep
Restless cattle, settle down it's time to sleep.

What's this, you've stopped your millin', can it be you understand
That a cowboy cries like any other man
Guess my story must have touched you 'cause you're all standin' around
Restless cattle, now it's time for beddin' down.

Guess my story must have touched you 'cause you're all standin' around
Restless cattle, now it's time for beddin' down...

Mirror lyrics:

Restless cattle, now it's time for beddin' down...
Guess my story must have touched you 'cause you're all standin' around

Restless cattle, now it's time for beddin' down.
Guess my story must have touched you 'cause you're all standin' around
That a cowboy cries like any other man
What's this, you've stopped your millin', can it be you understand

Restless cattle, settle down it's time to sleep.
Only you know how I feel inside, only you know that I weep
If another tear drop falls and stains her faded photograph
If I show you what I carry will you promise not to laugh

Restless cattle, now it's time to get some rest.
You won't understand, but still I'd like to get it off my chest
While I tell you 'bout some secrets this poor cowboy has to keep
Restless cattle, stop your millin' 'round it's time to go to sleep

Relevant Tags:
RRestless CCattle estless attle eRstless aCttle destless fattle dRestless fCattle Rdestless Cfattle 4estless xattle
4Restless xCattle R4estless Cxattle gestless vattle gRestless vCattle Rgestless Cvattle testless dattle tRestless dCattle
Rtestless Cdattle 5estless Caattle 5Restless Cttle R5estless Ctatle festless Czttle fRestless Czattle Rfestless Cazttle
eestless Cqttle eRestless Cqattle Reestless Caqttle Csttle Rstless Csattle Rsetless Casttle Rsstless Cwttle
Rsestless Cwattle Resstless Cawttle R3stless Cxttle R3estless Re3stless Caxttle Rfstless Catttle Catle
Refstless Cattle Rrstless Caftle Rrestless Cafttle Rerstless Catftle R4stless Ca5tle Ca5ttle Re4stless Cat5tle
Rdstless Cahtle Cahttle Redstless Cathtle Rwstless Caytle Rwestless Cayttle Rewstless Catytle Ca6tle
Retless Ca6ttle Retsless Cat6tle Reztless Cagtle Rezstless Cagttle Resztless Catgtle Rewtless Cartle Carttle
Reswtless Catrtle Redtless Resdtless Catlte Reetless Catfle Resetless Cattfle Rextless Cat5le Rexstless
Resxtless Catt5le Reatless Cathle Reastless Resatless Catthle Resttless Catyle Resless Resltess Cattyle
Resfless Cat6le Resftless Restfless Catt6le

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